Short Stories

The one shots range from many different topics. Some are fan fics, some about actors or band members while others are totally original or from contests on quizilla. The ratings for the individual stories vary but I placed PG-13 on just because I had to choose.
  1. 30 Seconds to Venus
    A Jared Leto One Shot.....
  2. Forever And A Day
    Original One-Shot
  3. Irishmen: Need I Say More
    Colin Farrell One-Shot
  4. In A Sea Of Turmoil; One Prevails
    An original One-Shot involving an on the run agent.
  5. Nothing Else Matters Anymore
    An original One-Shot I wrote for a contest, Won second or first I believe.
  6. ***ed: A Friends Eye View
    A Godfather/Sonny Corleone/Tom Hagen Fan Fic
  7. Revenge: A Brother's Comfort.
    Godfather/Michael Corleone Fan Fic One-Shot
  8. That's Amore
    A David Desrosiers one-shot.