How Long Until The Faith Is Lost?

Can you save me ?

Gavin’s P.O.V

They sent another shock down my spine. My head was spinning, and my eyes were fit to pop out of their sockets. I was tied down to a small metal chair; metal after all did conduct electricity a lot better. I can’t believe someone would design a metal chair.

I could feel my heart pumping erratically. I was fucking scared to say the least. I didn’t know what else they would do to me. They had held me captive for 3 whole weeks. I didn’t understand why the police hadn’t found me.

Shows you how useless they are. For all I know I would spend my last days locked up here in this dark and damp basement with only my captors as company, and I couldn’t exactly hold up a conversation with a sock shoved into my mouth.

I was so alone. Why me? What had I done to deserve this? Sure I had done drugs and I was late with my payment, but now here I was even after I had paid the debt. I guess I was an easy target. And why would the police care about some druggy, I thought at least my family would. I was having really bad withdrawal symptoms; my teeth and bones were aching, I had a major headache 24/7 (also partly due to the shocking), I was in constant pain.

I looked down at the track marks on my arms and imagine the needle puncturing my skin. It helped for a little while, but I needed the real thing. I needed heroin. I clenched my fists, much to the delight of the men who had taken me hostage. I heard a few snigger.

I had been raped, beaten, shocked, cut, bitten, my head had been held underwater until I almost lost consciousness; but I never did. They burnt me occasionally and practically orgasmed at the smell of my burning flesh and the sound of my pathetic cries.

I was starving, I needed heroin and though I hate to admit it; I needed my nag of a mother and my alcoholic of a dad. I missed my boyfriend Dave. By the way I am a male. I am 19, with red hair, skinny and to be honest; worthless. No-one would miss me, not even Dave; I think we were on the verge of breaking up anyway. He was bi you see, and I was gay. He was very popular with guys and girls. He was such a catch, I don’t know what he saw in me.

Dave’s P.O.V

Im going crazy without Gavin. Gavin is my boyfriend. 3 weeks ago he went missing. He didn’t come home, I didn’t know if he was dead or still alive. I fucking love him, I don’t know what it is about him that draws me to him. But something does, we just clicked. The only thing wrong (apart from the fact he has been missing for 3 weeks) is that he does smack (heroin). He used to jack up (inject himself) with the stuff every night. It is very addictive.

The police are looking for him. I don’t even want to think how he is I just hope he isn’t dead. And I hope he is still holding on. I miss him so much. I will not give up. I know you cant hear me, but im coming for you Gav, and im going to marry you if you come out of this alive.

Gavin’s P.O.V

I’m loosing faith.

This is my final moment.

They are smothering me.

Forcing me to the ground.

Pushing their thumbs into my Adam’s apple.

Tears are rolling from my eyes.

Its over.

No-one can save me now.
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you reckon ??
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This was just random,
tbh it doesnt really make sense...
Please Read;
The Damage Has Been Done
Love all of you :]