It Had To Be You

Chapter 13

Ian and I stopped to pick up Kenzie from a friends house before we navigated our way to Justin's house. Kenzie was bickering with Ian about something, it immediately stopped once we pulled up to his drive way.

It wasn't a mansion or anything but it was one of the prettiest houses on the block. A white picket fence, still green lawn, and shutters. Close to what the Beaver Cleaver's house might look like, only better. The house still managed to look like Maddie and Justin lived there. Like the shutters were dark blue instead of just black or the front door had an oriental feel. We passed a giant oak tree that was just starting to turn color as we approached the front door.

"Ian!" Maddie screamed looking away from the TV when we entered. Ian quickly fell out of my arms taking off his shoes and jacket.

Kenzie stood there awkwardly as I went forward past the stairway, down the hallway that lead to the kitchen. I have to admit this was my dream kitchen. Stainless steel appliances, dark wood floor, white cabinets, and sage green granite counters with an island. When I walked in Justin was singing to himself preparing two plates. This was actually really cute, but just two?

"Maddie are they here yet?" He shouted turning around, nearly bumping into me.

"Ah, yeah I'm right here." I rubbed one of my ears, Justin started blushing. Then surprisingly gave me a hug, wrapping his arms around my waist. It was a nice, we stood there for a moment, both of us smiling like fools.

"Never mind!" He said back getting a 'ok dad', "Hello," Justin greeted.

"Hi." He pulled away and turned back to the plates, "What are you doing?" I asked trying to look over his shoulder, Justin looked down at me.

"Just getting Ian and Maddie's plates ready." Justin walked over and set them down on the table, "Sorry that I don't have a booster seat anymore. The best I can do is some phone books." Justin shrugged.

"Yeah it's fine. Really, I think he'll be thrilled to sit on books." I snorted before Justin walked back over to me.

"We can get the herd," We started laughing, "or the flock now."

Justin and I walked in to find Kenzie on the couch going through channels while Maddie and Ian were playing 'Authur's memory card game'. It was Ian's turn and she was adjusting the cards in the opposite corner he was picking from. Justin noticed too, a slight frown came across his face.

"Dinner's ready." He said simply, they all looked up and said incoherent things.

"Ian come on honey let's wash up." I took his hand and looked around guessing where the bathroom would be.

"Lane, the bathroom's down the hall to the left." Justin said softly as he passed by heading back to the kitchen.

I nodded then took Ian to wash his hands. Justin was really changing for the better if you ask me. But that's just me……Anyways we washed our hands, and boy was Ian happy. Justin had foaming soap, exciting stuff you know! When we came back all of the plates were filled, I felt really bad. Hopefully he didn't have to cook too much, I mean that is what? Five mouths to feed? Justin was still standing when Ian and I got back. He pulled out the chair full of yellow colored books for Ian.

"There you go," He said lifting him up.

At first I thought he was going to sit down then he opened the outside door and let Fig in. Fig happily sniffed around before galloping upstairs.

"Fig!" Ian shouted, Maddie started giggling.

"We can play with him after we eat." She said and tousled his hair. Very, very, very sisterly.

Before sitting down I glanced at their plates. A huge smile came across my face. The noodles were made to look like hair, the meatballs were the eyes, and the garlic bread was cut in a half circle of the mouth. Ian had a crazy hair boy looking one, while Maddie's had a neatly placed hair (well for noodles) and was a girl. Kenzie cleared her throat, causing me to jump a little.

"Laney could you sit down please?" She said in a hushed tone.

I felt everyone staring at me so I sat down beside Justin and waited. For what I don't know. Grace I guess? You never know!

"So…." Maddie took some noodles.

"What's new with- all of you?" I could tell Justin had never had to ask more then one child this question.

The two younger ones shrugged, they could talk for hours to each other but not to us. They're just starting that game early. Speaking of not talking I turned to Kenzie. She always seemed more willing to talk when Justin was there. She got the point and sighed before starting.

"We didn't do much at Mimi's house. Um, I got a B on my science test and Mr. Ulla switched me to first saxophone….." Justin put his fork down quickly.

"Saxophone?!" He asked happily, "Hey I played that before I learned guitar."

I could tell already Kenzie was getting hopes of learning guitar. They seemed to think no matter what Justin did he was always Kraft macaroni while I was Velveeta

"That's is so awesome. You started on sax then went to that!" See, for one second I get lost in thought and my predictions are right. All I can do is smile about it. Wow, that's really- really happy for me.

"Anything new with you Laney?" Justin looked at me while Kenzie was still in lala land about guitar.

"No, not really, just did my usual at work," which was dealing with whiney women all day, "Other then that, I got nothing'" I reached over to grab some carrots that were set out on the table. Justin smiled at my response, "What about you?" our knees barely touched, almost making me drop the carrots.

"I wrote a song today." His voice was quiet and made it sound like no big deal. From what I could tell it was.

"That's what you were singing earlier?" he nodded then adjusted his glasses a little. I felt steady taps from his feet, he nodded. "I liked it." He looked up at me and I saw his shoulders relax.

"Thanks-" Justin was interrupted by loud giggling. We all looked over to see Ian and Maddie were full of spaghetti sauce.

"Ian Dexter Fergus!" We were all trying to hold back smiles. Justin had one eyebrow raised.

"He- he," Maddie was laughing uncontrollably, "his meatball fell- fell off his….." She was turning purple, "fork and-" Maddie hit the table with a hand and held her stomach with the other. I'm weak I let a smile show through.

"Cahha…Blam!" Ian waved his hands in the air, and accidentally flung the carrot he was holding against the wall.

By this point none of us could help but laugh. Ken nearly fell out of her chair while Justin was trying to keep his hand steady while he was already wiping their faces off. The rest of dinner was light chat and tons of giggles and laughter. It was a good change of pace from just sitting there and talking. When we were all done Maddie helped Ian get cleaned up and they were off to play with Fig. Kenzie said she still had some homework. She went to the car to get that, so it left me and Justin cleaning up the kitchen alone.

"I hope this doesn't stain your wall." I scrubbed some of the orange stain, and went down to the floor to get the sauce.

"It needs to be repainted anyways." He lightly said and grabbed the bread basket.

Justin walked back to the sink putting the rest of the pots-n-pans in. After I was done getting what I could of the stains I walked over to throw it away, he was quietly rinsing a pot. He reminds me of Ian when he's concentrated.

"So, do you think Ian would like curling?" I asked leaning against the counter.

"He might," he shrugged putting the dish on the drying rack behind me, "And maybe we could work something out for after school too."

"Yeah," I crossed my arms, "I mean we could just talk to the teachers and-" He had stopped rinsing and was looking me in the eyes.

With the sounds of air be taken in our lips met. Wasn't really expecting that big of a kiss….. . My stomach began jumping and my heart was practically in cardiac arrest.

"Ah! Gross get a room!" Christ no, it was Kenzie. I let out a small groan before Justin and I pushed each other away (literally). He cleared his throat going back to the dishes, "It's fine I'll come back later." She said quickly before heading out the door.

"No, what is it?" I asked tucking a piece of loose hair behind my ear.

"Just wanted to see if you could help me with some, well uh," she was turning a little pale, "human antinomy?" Kenzie held up a text book.

"Sure," I looked at Justin who was humming again. I rested a hand on his shoulder before going to the living room.

"Ouuu Lane's getting some action!" She was grossed out ten seconds ago!

"Things I never want to hear from my-" Kenzie rolled her eyes and opened a page to her text book.

"I know, I know." Oh that human anatomy….. Obviously she doesn't want to be a doctor.

Right then and there I could have asked about the parent teacher conferences but I choose to be her older sister. It was best not to ruin the night. Lazy and horrible of me, I know. Her homework took a little longer then we thought I would, by the time she was done it was already nine. An hour past Ian's bed time. When I went up to get him he was practically falling asleep right there. Maddie followed me down the stairs as I carried him down. Kenzie put his jacket on and carried his shoes out for me, Justin was at the door waiting for me.

"Goodnight." I said quietly walking out the door trying to get Ian through the doorframe.


Justin held the door open and I tilted in to give him a kiss. But it didn't work….. So I settled just for the 'night'.
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I like writing fluff…… anyways this is what was on her shirt :D check it out

Justin finally got some lovin' lol


And lots of <3