It Had To Be You

Chapter 14

Justin and I worked something out with the school, although they looked at us a little funny. Oh well, they shouldn't be too concerned for our business. We'd seen each other every day for the past week. Nothing special or oh-so-romantic. No, just us and the kids. Not to mention we didn't do anything too special for Ian's birthday. A simple cake and a few presents.

Now it was just another day at the office for me.

Great. Marlin just had to bring in paper work for me to sort through. Apparently I'm the only one who can manage to do this properly…… So I sat down at the table in the break room. There weren't that many people in, just one a the water cooler another eating their morning snack or mid-morning I should say, whatever.

I was just about halfway through when I came across a familiar name across one of the file tabs.


Fergus is a pretty common last name right? Not anything like Smith or Jones, or Bennett-

First: Kenzie
Middle initial: S.

The paper work inside read loud and clear. My mouth was hanging open by this point and I was trying not to swear.

Prescription: Ortho Evro patch

A patch? She can't be having sex with Andy! They've only dated for a month or two now! Why didn't she tell me? I can't be that bad of an older sister or mom- can I? My head was spinning and I was starting on a migraine. But my lunch break wasn't until one today. There was no way I was going to make it, I was already feeling nauseated from the tension in my neck.

I put the rest of the files into a semi neat stack and headed for my boss's office.

"April, I'm sorry I need to leave." I said abruptly walking in.

"Ok, what seems to be the problem?" she asked still concentration on the paper on the desk, her spectacles barely on her nose.

"I'm about to vomit." April laughed a little, making me feel nervous. She wasn't a jerk or anything just the thought of being told 'no' was scaring me.

"Fine with me," I took a sigh of relief, she thought for a moment, "I'm pretty sure you still have a sick day or two left. And I'll be sure to tell someone," April made a hand motion then pushed up her glasses, "to cancel all of your appointments." There was a pause, I mumbled a 'thanks' and went on my way, leaving her at a paper covered desk.

Kenzie wasn't going to get out of this conversation. Too many questions were going through my head at the moment, I needed a nap, so I took some Tylenol and fell asleep on the couch.

By the time I woke up it was to the sound of the entrance from the garage. The first thought that came to mind was burglar. No, that couldn't be it. We lived in a town of 5,000 people, with only two parks and one internet café. The only people smart enough the break in would be out-of-towners. Nah, they wouldn't stop here.

So unfreezing from my spot I threw the covers off and stretched. I looked at the clock hanging about one of the windows and realized it was 3:40! That meant I had slept at least for four hours! My head wasn't pounding anymore though….

But still I was late to pick up Ken and Ian. She was going to be angry and he was probably going to think that I abandoned him. God, it escaped me how I could let this happen. Then right as I was about to walk to get my shoes Ian came up hugging my leg.

"Momma!" he giggled. Surprising….. Ian didn't seem traumatized at all, "Justin let me ride in his car! Ha your hair looks like his too." Ian pointed up to my hair. I stared down at him still horrified about what might happen next. He shrugged and let go of my leg, then went to switch on the TV when Kenzie came in.

"First off I had to walk all the way down to Ian's school, walk back to mine to make sure you weren't waiting there and then back to his to stand with Justin!' Kenzie's voice was growing louder with each word. Ian didn't need hear this, so I took his hand directing him towards the front closet.

"Ian go outside and play on the swing or something." I looked back a Kenzie trying to hide the questions I had, "Calm down Kenzie. And I need to talk to you about something-"

"Oh about how disappointed you are or how sucky your day was?! Guess what I don't care. And do you have any clue how awkward it was to have to sit in his car without bursting into tears with your nephew sitting on your lap? Huh?" She straightened her arm out towards the windows. Kenzie was getting red blotches on her cheeks and was a bit hunched over, "Then, oh then having to explain why he can't come inside! Yeah 'Justin you can't come inside because I'm going to have to chew Lane's ass!' You have no clue how worried you had us!" she sat down in the arm chair behind her.

In the back of my mind I kept telling myself to remain calm, "This was the first anything has ever happened and Kenzie, don't even start with me. First off what is with you and your English class huh?" Now there wasn't any calm way to tell her, this was a volcanic irruption waiting to explode, "Did I mention today when I found a file with your name on it?!" I pointed at her nose, "you could have just told me!" I threw my hands in the air while Kenzie looked away bitterly biting her lip, "Birth control for Christ sakes!" Not hair dye, not a prono stash, not a long distance phone call. Something that made babies- and with Andy!

"You wanna know?" I mouthed a 'yeah' she got back up, "The thing with English is because of some stupid homophobes who think they can just make accusations. All because I said there is nothing wrong with being gay or lesbian, all because of one sentence that came out wrong!" Kenzie wiped the back of her hand across her nose, "Now they're all calling me a fucking rug-muncher!"

That was one of the most derogatory terms I've heard in a while. She was tearing up now, obviously she was offended by this greatly.

"They have no idea that half of the football team probably checks out their asses in the locker room. Hell they probably don't even know half of the closet population or how nice they really are. And how hurt they are by stupid bull shit like that!" Kenzie was strong willed, but I never knew that sensitive. She shifted her feet and I unclenched my fists.

"What about the birth control?" I asked calmly.

She looked away sighing, "You don't need to know." Kenzie's voice was low and venomous.

"Yeah, I do actually. I help pay for that with my insurance." I jabbed a finger to my chest.

"Look, you're not my mother, you don't need to know or worry if I get knocked up!" We both were deathly gazing into each other's eyes.

"Well, I'm the closest thing you got hun. Start talkin'!" she let out a wail, finally storming away.

I wasn't who she wanted to talk to. Then again I wasn't the best example, neither is our mother though….. Feeling my eyes prick with tears I had to walk away too. I got my shoes and coat on and went to play with Ian on our play set. Seeing him giggle lifted my heart a little. But knowing that Kenzie was inside her room crying kept sending pangs of guilt to my spine. There wasn't anything I could do for her if she didn't let me in.

It turned out to be another night if just me and Ian eating together. There seemed to be a lot of those lately…..Justin could have stopped the screaming match Why couldn't I stop the screaming?
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sorry you guys if any of you are offened in any way shape or form.

eh, i suck at writing screamy drama stuff anyways......