Dreams Without Courage

Hey Daddy

Before anybody could react properly to what I said the front door open, and slammed. Someone was home.

My guess: Dad.

"Shit." I whispered. "Syn we have to get you out…"

We were now all standing up in a line of course hiding Syn behind us incase Dad decided that the kitchen was going to be his first stop.


"Trip?" We heard Dad calling for us. He always called us 'Trip' when he was looking for all of us, and we usually were all together.

"Fuck…" I muttered under my breath as Pay and Tohr cursed as well, the only choice was to have him meet Syn. I turned around to look at said boyfriend and found him actually looking quite presentable.

Thank god.

"Okay," I whispered. "Your gonna have to meet my Dad. He's really not that bad, just don’t kiss me or anything, holding hands and small hugs are okay but nothing too… intimate. Ja?"

Syn nodded and quickly kissed my forehead. "Got it babe."

He intertwined his left hand with my right as Pay called out that we were in the kitchen. Tohr was smart enough to add that we had someone with us for him to meet. He managed to not mention he was my boyfriend.

"Alright, so how was school everybody?" Dad asked as he came in, his jeans and sweater combo making me wonder just what he did today.

"And who's this?" He asked eyeing Syn. He didn’t notice our hands yet.

Pay and Tohr turned to me.


"Daddy, this is Syn… My boyfriend…"

Instant silence.

You could hear a pin drop. Then Syn stepped forward, releasing my hand.

"Hello. Nice to meet you Mr.Gwynn." Syn stated politely has hand out to shake.

Dad's eyes went up a little bit and he gave me a look. "Well it seems that you have manners Mr…?"

"Gates." Syn replied. "Synyster Gates, I do prefer Syn though."

They shook hands and let go, my nervous look still on my face until Syn came over and took my hand again lightly squeezing it in reassurance. I smiled a little and then looked at everyone else.

"What?" I asked. "Since when are we a soap opera? Stop staring at us!"

I spun around Syn to hide behind him, he's big enough and since I'm so small it really works quite well. As tempted as I was to jump onto his back, I didn’t.

"Well it was nice to meet you Syn. I trust you're taking good care of her, other wise her brothers would've probably hurt you by this point."

Payne and Tohr nodded. "Yea he probably wouldn’t even have gotten to see the house let alone be in it."

I rolled my eyes. If I really liked Syn that much and they didn’t let him over, then I would've found a way for him to come see me regardless.

"See you later Daddy?" I asked popping my head from behind said boyfriend. "We were about to head off to get some coffee before you came home."

"Ah, I see. Well go on. I'll actually be leaving again soon. Business trip to Italy this time, I'll bring you back something from Venice." Dad smiled.

He always brought us back gifts when he went somewhere. Sometimes it was jewelry for me and some new video game for the boys, but most of the time it was a new sword or gun for us to have fun with. And creepy as it may sound we actually did enjoy the weapons. And the video games? Yea they were in Italian or whatever, but we're bilingual so it was okay.
"Okay!" We all gave him a hug before leaving except for Syn who just shook his hand before we got our jackets on and left for the coffee place.

Payne drove while Tohr got shotgun. This time I didn’t mind, I had Synyster in the back with me for a pillow. And a damn good pillow he was too. Nice and warm and… well… you get the idea. It was just perfect.

Until Tohr turned around and snapped a picture of it with his phone.

"What the fuck!?" Syn yelled trying to wrestle the phone from my brother. "Why the hell did you do that?"

I grabbed my brother's wrist and bit him making him let go of the phone, which Syn had practically in his hands causing us the victory.

Smiling wildly me and Syn did a happy dance in the backseat before quickly sending the picture to my phone and deleting it off of Tohr's much to his dismay.

I set the picture as my background. I may not have wanted them to have it, but it was adorable, I wanted it just for me. Not as blackmail.

Pay finally pulled into the café and we all trooped out of the car with me immediately jumping onto Synyster's back.

"What the heck is this? Free rides?" he complained.

I smirked. "Oh baby."

Payne smacked his own forehead. "Guys! Stop being perverted! I thought you wanted your god damned coffee?"
♠ ♠ ♠
If you havnt notice by now, the chapter title usually has something to do with the chapter.
Just a little FYI.
And comment me for updates, seriously.
This chapter may seem short, but its not.