Dreams Without Courage

Let's Get This Party Started


I woke up to the extremely annoying sound of my alarm clock… my brothers. Too bad I can't chuck them into a wall and have them break into tons of little pieces and have my silence.


"Cammon Zig wake up!"

"Yeah we're gonna be late and it's all your fault."

Oh my god, do they ever shaddup?

"Be quiet. We aren’t late yet." I mumble as I roll out of bed.

"True, but if she doesn’t move faster we will be huh Tohr?"

"Yeah Pay, she's gonna make us late for our first day of the new high school that we get to terrorize!"

They do a little happy dance of destruction. Oh joy. Unfortunately, I didn’t share their enthusiasm quite as much. I mean yea I love to play tricks as much as they do, who wouldn’t? And they are my twins. Technically, we're triplets, but if I'm the one talking those two bimbos are MY twins. The joy of being the only girl of three kids, I always win, but there are drawbacks…

I got dressed in a simple black skinny-T and some black pants, then chucked on my 14 inch combat boots over top the pants, and checked my image, yuck. I quickly fixed my long black hair so it wasn't all knotty and had my bangs hanging half in my face, emo-style, and quickly applied eyeliner and shadow.

"I like it like that!" I sang as I finished and grabbed my bag running downstairs with my twin brothers following me, snatched a pop tart from the countertop, lunch money, a can of re-closeable Monster from the fridge and jumped into Tohr's blood red Porsche.

--Time lapse--

"Alright then, everybody calm down and relax as we have three new students arriving today. Triplets I've heard. Oh! Here they are!"

Tohrment and Payne walked in to the classroom, I was unfortunately held up at my locker, damn lock was pissing me off so fucking bad.

"Okay so we have Tohrment Gwynn?" The lady said to Tohr.


"And Payne Gwynn?"


"So Zsadist is the missing one…"

Some student, a female, (go figure) called out, "Where's the last hunk?"

Pay and Tohr looked at each other and burst out laughing hysterically. This is the reason that I don’t like new schools. Everyone thinks I'm a guy just 'cause we're triplets. Gosh how annoying.

"Uhmm, well…" Tohr started to explain, but then I walked in.

"Damn these fucking lockers have some goddamn issuses. I couldn’t open it for like 5 friggin' minutes." I exclaimed before I noticed all the people in the room staring at me except for my twins.

"Excuse me young lady, who are you?" Asked the teacher.

I turned to her and kind of glared at her. "Zsadist Gwynn."

I swear everyone in the room's jaw dropped.

"What, just 'cause we're guys Zsadist can't be a girl?" Said Payne stifling a laugh.

"Honestly, just 'cause we're triplets everybody always assumes she's a dude…" Tohrment manages to choke out, holding in a laugh.

I glared at the room, as Tohrment and Payne each get on one side of me.

"Okay new class we only have a few things we'd like to let you all know,"

"If you even think of messing with our twin the wrong way, wait let me clarify,"

"Our sister the wrong way, then you are so gonna get fucked up,"

"Either by us,"

"Or worse by her,"

"So we suggest that you don’t mess with her,"

"Unless of course you like getting the shit beat out of you,"

"By a chick."

Tohrment finished with a glare, one arm wrapped around me, Payne had one around me as well. They were damn protective of me, but knew I could take care of myself I needed too.

"Hey girl, one question."

Some blond bimbo asked, wearing a skin-tight pink sweater with her breasts falling out.

"What the hell happened to your names? Mommy and Daddy work in a morgue?"

My eye twitched, as Tohr and Pay smirked.

"Nah," I said, "The 'rents are retired assassins from the mafia, they were close to the inner circle so they got new names protection for life. Intelligent people they are, they decided to pass names onto us so we would also get that special treatment. Aren't you honored? We could have you dead with a snap of our fingers, but we'd rather shoot you ourselves."

I said my face completely serious, only a small smirk playing on my lips as I looked at the hushed room.

I looked at Tohr, then Pay, and burst out laughing at the 'what the fuck?' looks on everyone's faces.

Between laughs Payne managed to explain I was kidding, and our 'rents were just psychos. Then we finally got to go and sit in the back of the room by some other kids who seemed to have the same style as us, black.


Twins and I looked up to see a dude with tats and four others.

"Hello." All three of us said at the same time. Creepy.

"I'm Matthew Shadows, please call me Matt though, and the dudes on my left are Johnny Christ,--"

"Jon, please." We nodded.

"And Zackary Vengeance,--"

"Zacky." The kid chimed in, popping another skittle.

"And on the right we have our man the Reverend Tholomew Plague,--"

"Just Rev." He interrupted Matt as we gave him odd looks. "Yeah, my parents are psychos, too."

Matt smiled, "All of our parents are freaks, and it seems you guys will have to meet Syn later… Is he home sick or skipping again?" He asked Rev.

"Not sure…" Rev started to say when another kid in all black walked in and came straight to the back of the room and sat in the empty desk next to Matt.

"Never mind!" Said Zacky, popping yet another skittle, only to have the guy kick his chair and miss the skittle.

"Damn it, Syn!"

Syn rolled his eyes and looked at us. "Who're you?"

"You missed our big intro so I guess we'll be nice and say 'the new kids.'" Tohr spoke up. "I'm Tohrment Gwynn, Call me Tohr, and—"

"The other twins. I'm Payne Gwynn and this is the youngest,--"

"Twin, Zsadist Gwynn." I spoke last.

All the guys were looking at us like we were growing extra body parts or something gross.

"What?!" Pay yelled after them staring for a minute straight.

"You guys all just… Finished each others sentence…" Zacky said with an awed expression on his face.

"Well yeah," I said, "That tends to happen since you're triplets." I rolled my eyes, I only grew up with these morons.

Pay looked at the new kid, apparently Syn.

"And you're Syn I'm guessing?"

He nodded. "Synyster Gates. But Syn's fine."

I zoned out.

Pay nudged me, and I snapped back to reality.

Damn… Syn was one sexy piece of man flesh. Best I'd ever seen, and he had some great fashion sense and from what I could see of his arms, had some awesome tats.
♠ ♠ ♠
As i find pictures of my original characters, aka Tohr, Pay, Z etc. then i will put then up on under characters and prolouge, but i will let you know about it at the end of a chapter. deal? ^^ love you too.