Dreams Without Courage

Somebody Someone

Have you any idea how annoying that is?

To have someone constantly saying 'Oh my gosh! Z, you are so hung over girl. What did you drink yesterday?'

Because I do, and I find it so annoying that I might just find the energy to jab Zacky's eyes out with a paintbrush.

Yes, I am getting violent. Sue me.

It kind of sucked that at that exact moment yet another kid I didn’t know walked into the classroom.

I didn’t know him… but I sure as hell recognized him.

He helped them.

I started hyperventilating and grabbed Zacky's wrist, gaining his attention.

He looked at me with a confused expression.

"Z… What's wrong…" He said cautiously.

"Get Tohr… and Pay… now…" I whispered, but it came out more with a slight whimper of fear added to it, which just made Zacky more confused.

Thankfully Zacky didn’t question me as he got up and ran out of the room, giving me one last worried look as I curled into a ball on the ground next to the table.

Please let them hurry… Don’t let him take me away again!

Tohr and Pay ran into the classroom to the confused looks of teachers and students alike.

They saw me on the floor shaking and rushed over eyeing the new kid.

We'd been here for a while and I was alright with everyone, so that kid was their only option for my breakdown.

Pay wrapped his arms around me to stop the shaking while Tohr tried to get what was wrong out of me before I went totally incoherent.

"Zig, honey, what is it? What did he do to scare you?"

I just sat there shaking, silent tears of fear falling out my eyes.

"Zig, come on. Let us help you. It's just me and Pay, okay?"

The words that came out were hardly audible, but they could still hear it loud and clear.

"It's him…He put it … inside… he…"

Payne's p.o.v.

"It's him…He put it… inside… he…"

After she spoke those words she went out of it.

Not unconcious, no.

She lost complete control and started screaming and crying hysterically holding on to Tohr and me and pulling us away from the kid.

The guy just stood there a confused look on his face.

I glared at him as she continued to beg us to leave and pull out towards the door, hiding behind us when we ended up close to him.

Tohr picked up Z and ran out of the room, her still sobbing uncontrollably.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing you son of a bitch?"

Kid gave me a look.

"What the hell are you talking about? I just walked in and she started doing whatever… She's totally insane dude…"

That pissed me off.

He's a goddamn liar.

"Keep your mouth shut you fucking liar. Don’t you say a word against my sister or I'll pull you apart one piece at a time. You know damn well what the fuck you did to her you mother fucking bastard!" I was screaming at the kid.

I know I shouldn't be, she would be upset later that I drew attention to it, but I couldn't help it.

He hurt her, again.

And he was getting away with it.

But not this time.

I walked over to the son of a bitch and grabbed him by the throat pinning him to the wall behind him.

Girls screamed and guys stared.

"What the fuck?"

"Don’t even try to play innocent with me you little fuck. You're one of those sick bastards that messed her up, and guess what?" I smirked sadistically, no pun intended.

He gulped, "What?"

"Now you get to deal with one of her pissed off twins. Lucky you."

He looked at me confused, "What? She's not a twin you fool."

I laughed evilly.

"No you're the fool. You're the one who decided to use her. You're the fool who neglected to notice one important detail…" I trailed off.

"And do you know what that one important detail was?"

Poor kid was scared shitless, oh well.

"She isn’t an only child," I whispered in his ear.

"She's a triplet, my triplet, and now you have to deal with two very pissed off older brothers bitch."

At this point I was highly satisfied to see the bastard shaking in fear and starting to change color from lack of air.

"I suggest you move back where you came from."

I smiled a sickly sweet smile before letting him drop to the ground to cough up some blood and nurse his neck.

"Have a nice day rapist."

And with that, I ran to the car to see if Z was okay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that Syns wasn't in this chapter. I think he might be in the next one. Since it is a Synyster Gates love story and all. If they were close already, he'd of been there, not Payne.