Dreams Without Courage


Payne's p.o.v.

Okay so here we are, just counting down the minutes until she get control of herself again.

Unfortunately, this could be a long while considering that she's now blind.

She hasn’t liked the dark since it happened.

"Do you guys happen to know when she'll snap out of it?"

"Never sure, but I think its safe to say it could be worse this time since she's lost her sight. She might not come out of it until or if it comes back."

We had explained the whole thing for him.

"Our sister was kidnapped, tortured, raped and other shit when we were younger. We got her back half dead and terrified of everything with a dick except us and messed up beyond ever being able to be normal again. She used to love the dark, and now is horrified by it. She used to go swimming, and now she hates water, especially the ocean. She used to be happy-go-lucky hyper so much that you wanted to smack her, but now she's clam and guarded unless you get her on a sugar/caffeine high. Basically," I said with a sigh. "She used to be happy, and then that son of a bitch ruined her life."

Tohr and I both had tears in our eyes; I looked over and saw that Syn did as well.

We may be hard ass bastards, but she was the soft spot on all of us.

--Time lapse of 4 hours—

(normal p.o.v.)

"Tohrment! Payne!"

Ouch, stupid throat hurts, damn all that screaming I did.

I hate it when this happens.

I can never help the screaming, crying, whimpering.

All it does is show them how much I'm actually hiding from them.

How much it really haunts my thoughts.

They don’t need to know, and so I refuse to tell them, but the fucking flashbacks tell them.

God damned it, where are they?

I need out of here already.

Footsteps running down the stairs, three pairs…

Wait what?


"Zee?" Oh fuck.

They told Syn!?

Those stupid ass holes!

"Syn? What the hell are you doing here? Where's my brother? He's got the key code…"

No soon had the words left my mouth then Tohrment and Payne arrived quickly entering the code and releasing me.

Syn immediately pulled me into his arms.

"Are you okay now?"

Aw, he was concerned about me.

I looked up at him and just nodded.

My throat hurt like a bitch.

I looked over at my brothers and noticed that Pay was holding a water bottle already uncapped for me.

I smiled a little and took it gulping it down, still in Syn's arms.

"Thanks. I really needed that."

"Yeah, you usually go for one as soon as we get you back." Pay smiled.

Tohr grinned. "Guess what else we got for you upstairs?"

I gasped. "No! You made me mozzarella sticks? With chocolate syrup to dip?"

They nodded as Syn gave me a look.

"Are you pregnant?"

"What? No, its just really yummy!"

I smiled. "Now take me upstairs!" I ordered him.

He just laughed and picked me up bridal style.

I wrapped my arms around his neck leaning into his shoulder.


"Muchly thanks."

I kissed his shoulder.

"Thanks for worrying about me…"

"Its my job to worry about you babe. "

He said as he put me down in the kitchen chair, and sat next to me giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I smiled and then grinned hugely as Tohr and Pay brought me my sticks and dips.


I dug in only to hear one of them.


"Ha ha! Well that sucks for you man, she's your girl friend."

"Yeah… But she's your sister!"

Wow, they're fighting over my weird eating habits…

Okay then, time to play dirty.

"Syn you cant talk cause you like ranch and pineapple on your pizza."

Lots of laughter from my brothers while Syn pouted.

"Tohr you eat apples generously dipped in honey mustard dressing."

Pay was cracking up and Syn laughed.

"And Pay," He looked at me warily.

"You eat fucking Mac and cheese with ranch, ketchup, and cut up hotdogs so there is no way any of you should be making fun of what I eat!"

By now they were all laughing at something but were trying to stifle it.

"That doesn’t make what your doing disgusting." Pay said.

"Really? Because I can do something right now that will have you running away screaming."

"Pssh, no you don’t!"

I smirked.

"Yes I do. Don’t make me."

"Ha! Try your worst bitch!"

I immediately grabbed Syn and started French kissing him, loudly moaning.

Screaming, running, and ten seconds later we were alone grinning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay i updated for Karadoll once again. I owed her.
Deal done babe!

And yes, i do eat mozzerella sticks dipped in chocolate syrup and marrinera sauce!
It really is orgasmic!! I swear!!