From Sunsets to Monroeville


Frank looked up at the clock in room 623. He saw that there was 15 minutes left in the 9th and final period. That's fifteen minutes until he could get to see his girlfriend, and that was the best part.

He tapped his fingers against the cold desk impatiently, waiting for the long hand of the clock to go around quicker. Soon the spaces in his fingers would be filled with her fingers and they'd talk about the stupid shit they always did on days like these. Frank loved living barely three steps away from her house, and he adored walking home with her. Yeah they had to walk with her best friend Dan, but when they would stop to make out...well that was another story.

"Franklin!" Ms. Vonderahe called out. Frank groaned. Couldn't the bitch just call him Frank for god's sake?

"Take your earphones out of your ears and tell me what clouds mean rain and snow," she screeched.

Frank rolled his eyes and gave her a 'bitch are you stupid' look. Ms. Vonderahe tsk-ed and asked someone else.

Ten. More. Minutes! And he was out.

Frank looked around the classroom and blinked a couple times. Half of them were asleep and not listening to a word Ms. Vonderahe was saying. He smiled when his eyes landed on her. She had a pen in hand, scribbling furiously in a blue notebook with her head on the desk, completely ignoring their teacher. The kid next to her was peering over and she swatted at him continuously.

Serves him right, Frank thought. Maybe I should just put my head down for a bit...

Briiiiiiiing! The bell rang and Frank smiled. Yes!

He threw his ipod into his bag and threw his Misfits messenger bag over his shoulder. He looked up and she was walking towards him, her own Metallica bag on her shoulders, wearing an extra large black sweatshirt.

"Ready?" He asked and she smiled.

"Duh," she replied and took his hand. She interlaced their fingers as they stepped out of the room together.

"Allison!" People called out to her and she turned and smiled, also waving at everyone who did.

No one said hi to him here, but he didn't care. He was going home to play his guitar, which he nicknamed Pansy, and let the music speak to him. But then again, his dad would be home soon...Frank shook that last thought from his mind. He decided he'd think about that later, when he actually cared. He felt Allison's eyes on him and he smiled at her, and she back. He gripped her hand tighter.

She started joking around with some friends about whatever it is girls joke about, in the commons. Frank didn't notice or care, he was concentrating on not getting knocked over. It wasn't anything like this in Jersey.

Frank smirked at the thought. Boy how he missed New Jersey! He missed the dirtiness of it and the muck. The danger of being out at night, the fear on peoples faces when he hung around with his friends. Sure, New York wasn't any better, but Baldwin was way cleaner than other towns. It's definitely cleaner than Belleville, where he was from, and the people just ignored you here. In Belleville, people would've thrown him in the garbage the minute he got there, just cause he looked at them funny.

And he loved it.

When he first moved to New York, it was a Friday, he remembered. He would’ve much rather have spent it in Jersey with the guys, wasting their lives away with drugs at the local park. Still, he had slept on the whole drive to Long Island, but as they drove into the complex he now lived in, he woke up (stupid road bumps). He opened his eyes to a nice, brick condominium complex. To his right there was another area with condos. The road he was doing down had condos on either side. On the left was a girl walking, headphones plugged in. She was tugging on her light purple coat uncomfortably. Her keys dangled from her right hand. She turned when she saw the green car pull in. She had raised her eyebrows at Frank in the backseat. Frank had frowned, now was that necessary? Frank's dad pulled into their parking spot and she walked into her house, the last one opposite them.

This girl just happened to live across the 'lane' from the Iero's and was now holding the youngest ones hand.

They were in the main hallway now, heading towards the 400 building. Tons of loud kids were running around, bumping into Frank. No one seemed to run into Allison though, which Frank was somewhat grateful for. Soon her friends had walked away and it was just they alone in the crowded hallway. She led Frank around the corner in the hall towards her locker. While still holding Frank's hand she opened her locker. She dropped his hand to pull out her brand new green coat, pulled it on and smiled at Frank.

"What love?" She asked.

His heart fluttered at the word ‘love’ leaving her lips, but chose to just stuff his hands in his pockets, “Nothing.”

She pulled her hood over her small head and put the Metallica bag strap on her shoulder. She smiled at him again and took his hand and they walked towards the Math rooms. Allison tickled Connor, who in turn, screamed at her. She smiled nonetheless and her best friend turned around and smiled at them both.

He flipped his semi-long brown hair out of his eyes and grabbed her and hugged her, then Frank.

Frank chuckled, "Hello Dan."

Allison kicked him, "Come on, whores - let's go!" She called as she left the 400 building with Frank in tow.

They walked into the main hallways with Connor and Dan behind them. They went towards the 300 building but exited through the hallway doors. They entered into a foyer outside where a couple more familiar faces were. A big group of people stood by the entrance and other groups of people were standing around. Allison and Frank waited until Dan and Connor caught up and all four walked down Ethel T. Klohberg Drive towards Grand Avenue.

Connor started singing randomly and soon, him and Dan were talking about World of Warcraft. Frank occasionally chipped in, as he too liked that game. But then Allison squeezed his hand.

"Am I coming over today?" She asked.

Frank thought about it and sighed, "Can we go someplace else instead? And take the long way too?"

He really didn't want to go home and deal with his drunk of a mother and his freaking psychotic fuck of a father.

"Sure," she replied and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

By now they were by Walgreen's, where Connor crosses the street.

"Dude, I'll call you later," he said to Dan and turned to Allison and Frank and smiled his Cheshire cat grin. "You two! Have lots of sex! And RECORD!"

Allison giggled and hit him and Frank chuckled, "Sure man," and then she hit Frank.

"Bye hoe!" She said and walked away with Dan and Frank.

Allison and Dan started talking about this girl they both really didn't like. But Frank wasn't listening, and just tuned them out, gazing around at the street beside him. He just wanted to get to Sunrise Highway so they could take the long way home, and finally have some alone time. They finally came to a Burger King, but a Con Edison truck pulled into the parking lot.

"Dad!" Allison called and the three walked towards it.

"Hey guys," the man said.

"Frank this is Mr. James, Dan's dad. Mr. James, this is Frank, my boyfriend."

Dan stuck his backpack into the front seat as Frank shook hands with Mr. James.

"Nice to meet you," he replied and Frank nodded and said, "You too."

They made more small talk and he drove off. Allison and Dan went on to argue about this other girl again, with a name Frank didn’t know. But Frank just walked and occasionally listened. Finally, they were at Sunrise Highway, they’re parting place. They crossed and Allison let go of Frank to hug Dan goodbye. Dan and Frank nodded at each other and Dan crossed Grand to walk down Sunrise until he got to his own street.

Franks heart started beating rapidly. Him and Allison walked down Sunrise until they got to Harrison for the long walk down to their house.