The Mixed Clique

Almost Easy

I sighed happily, knowing that there was someone to comfort me. I smiled as sweet as I could into the effervescent blue eyes I grew to know.

Somehow out of this, I began to remember the look in Jared's eyes. The sweet smile he always gave me, and how his eyes just lit up. I felt an empty pit in the bottom on my stomach, and hot tears began to fill my eyes.

They streamed down my face, and Aidan was rubbing my back and saying comforting words. Such as; "Its fine. Don't worry about it. They shouldn't have fought in front of you."

"Thanks..." I said quietly as we embraced again.

"Thanks for what?" he asked obliviously.

"Thanks for being here for me," I said softly.

"Oh, no problem," he said with an angelic smile. I rested my chin on his shoulder, staring at the ground, and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Kylie," snapped a voice. "What's going on?"

My eyes shot up, and there was Connor, eyes watery, and cuts bleeding. A dark red liquid coated a rip in his lip, and an oddly colored bruise spotted his arm.

"Connor, are you alright?" I half screamed, stepping out of Aidan's embrace.

"What do you think?" he growled, covering the cut on his lip. His glare loomed over Aidan, and I tried to bring back his attention.

Aidan half smiled back. "Did you win?"

Connor turned around; and began to walk away. I could of sworn I heard him wince out loud and mumble a swear.

"He seems upset," Aidan pointed out obviously.

"No, really?" I asked sarcastically.

He caressed by cheek. "It's going to be fine, I promise you. Things will turn out like they're supposed to. Everything happens for a reason."

I grunted. "It that was true, Jared wouldn't be dead, Connor and Denny would be friends, and I wouldn't be like this." As I turned to walk away, he grabbed my arm.

"Like what?"

"I've changed. I know I have, it's obvious I have. I never seem to be happy anymore, and ever since Denny told me he hated me, I-"

"Don't listen to him," he cut me off. "I listened to people like that before; that got me no where."

"I can't take him anymore. I can't take any of this." I felt tears drip from my eyes. "I'm just scared."


"I don't know what's going to happen. No one does. I can't live like this anymore..."

"Yes you can," he attempted to convince me. "You can do anything; you're amazing."

"If amazing means a vulgar demon, then yes. I'm very amazing."

"You don't know how special you are."

I folded my arms. "Prove it to me."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I cut this chapter short, I'm chilling with the co author of this story at this very moment. She needs to read it to find out what's going on. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've had writers block for this story, so I started a new one.
"One day; one day you will see what you did to me, and your blood will be one my hands instead of your own."