The Mixed Clique


I woke up to a pounding on the door.

I was still wondering if everything that happened was just a dream. If Denny was really smoking, if he was really hanging around Trent, and if Aidan really kissed me.

"Kylie, some boy is here for you!" hiccuped my father. After all the years I lived with him and my mother, I could always tell if he'd been drinking. His voice would be awfully slurred, and he'd hiccup constantly.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes to get used to the light. I stretched my limbs as I yawned for him to let him in.

"Good morning sunshine," a velvet voice sliced through the silence.

I smiled as I brushed down the frizz of my hair with my fingers. As I rose my head, my eyes met the gorgeous grinning creature. "What are you doing here so early, Aidan?"

He smiled crookedly and cocked one eyebrow up. "Kylie, it's almost noon. I thought you'd be awake."

"Oh," I laughed off, embarrassed. "Aidan, about yesterday was all of that...real?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm having trouble separating dreams from reality," I sighed.

"Do you want it to be real?" he laughed shyly.

"One part of it, I do."

"And that is?"

"You can guess."

"Kylie, are you going to be going out today?" my dad called.

I turned my head and yelled back. "Probably, why?" I waited for an answer, which I didn't get. When I turned my head back, Aidan was sitting next to me.

"Everything is as real as you want it to be," he said. "but sometimes you have to pick the only real decision." He grinned, and pressed his lips against mine. I placed my hand on the back of his neck and deepened the kiss.

He pulled away, laughing slightly at my blush.

"Kylie!" my father hiccuped once more. "There's another guy here for ya'!"

Aidan placed my hand in his. "Let's go," he said, and lead me out of the door.

Shane sat on my couch in my living room, tapping his foot suspiciously. He stared at the floor, each breath being a sigh. "You heard about Denny?"

"Yes," I said.

He sighed. "Ridiculous..."

"I'm sure he'll be fine," said Aidan. "Denny is too smart to continue hurting himself that way."

That was a lie.

"He promised me he wouldn't do any drugs..." Shane mumbled. "Ignorant..."

"What do you mean?"

"You see, Kylie," Shane explained. "Denny had a crush on this slut and she just started sleeping around with guys. Including James, his best friend on the football team, which crushed him.

"He called me up in the middle of the night having an emotional breakdown, I told him not to worry, just don't do anything dramatic. He was crying how he felt so guilty for yelling at all of us, and the fight with Connor, and he deserved to die. I responded, of course, no he didn't. He told me that he wanted to either cut himself like Jared did, or do drugs, because he was just offered, by Trent."

I could feel myself begin to tremble. I was the only one that knew Denny had cut himself so many years ago. "I can't believe him..."

"Honestly, I never thought he had the guts to do either of them," he sighed. "But I guess he did."

Aidan suggested, "should we get him help?"

Shane shook his head. "He would get mad at us for doing so, so I don't know what to do."

"I can't take any of this anymore..." I growled. "I need to leave. For good."

I ran in to my room, slammed the door and locked it. I buried my face in my pillow and began to scream, screaming for a better tomorrow.