The Mixed Clique


I rubbed her back to calm her down, and let the words softly escape my lips. "I love you," I said. "Denny will be alright. I promise."

"You don't know that," she hissed almost silently. "He could be dead right now, for all you know."

"Don't talk like that," I whispered, pressing my lips against her cheek. "Please don't let negativity drag you down like this."

"My whole life is going down hill..." she cried, burring her face in my chest. "You're the only good thing that happened to me lately."

"Life will look up," I attempted to assure her. She was really negative sometimes. Growing up, my parents had told me stories to keep myself grateful and positive. Things like where people have no parents, and they end out on the streets. That made me grateful for having my parents. Somehow I need to convince her that life will turn around.

"Get that boy out of her room!" I heard a shrill women yell. "You don't know what they're doing in there!"

"I guess that's my call to go," I snickered, kissing her lips again. "I love you," I whispered, and took my exit out.

I didn't really appreciate the dirty looks Kylie's parents had given me on my walk out. I was told by Shane that they never approved of any boys, not even the ones they've known for so many years. I found that a bit ridiculous, but I guess you think what you think.

I trotted out the door, and was greeted by a joyous grinning face. His tan skin was glowing off the radiation of the sun, not able to turn tan, obviously. "Hey, Ethan," I greeted, trying to sound happy.

"Hey!" he practically squealed with an ear to ear grin. "So...are you and Kylie alright?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "Thanks for asking. You heard what happened with Denny, right?"

"Yeah," he groaned in disappointment. "It's not really the first time he's done that, too. A few years ago, he smoked a little bit of weed, but I convinced him to stop."

"Oh..." I mumbled. "Well, I guess I'll be-"

"Aidan, can I tell you something?" he cut me off, his grin fading away.

"Sure, Ethan."

"Okay...I'm not really sure how to say this, but I feel like I can rust you. Don't tell anyone. But..." He took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he did so. "I'm gay."

"Gay?" I questioned, cocking one eyebrow up. "Wait, since when?"

He laughed a bit. "It's not like I woke up one day and decided to like guys." He advanced a bit on me. "And another thing..." his voice faded away.

Before I could say a word, he grabbed the sides of my head and crashed his lips onto mine and shoved his tongue into my mouth. One of his hands moved quickly down to my back, forcing me to stay pinned to him. With all of my force, I pushed his head away from mine.

"What the-?!"

"I really like you Aidan," he giggled; face turning red.

From behind me, I heard a bit of a scream. When I turned around to see what it was, Kylie's window had slammed shut and her curtains covering the view.

Oh shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I sort of took [i[forever on this chapter. I hope you like it. Comment if you do or don't, I guess. Sorry for the huge delay.
I'll update sooner:]
<3 Caitlin