The Mixed Clique


I can't believe my boyfriend was bi and cheating on me.

I always had a feeling that Ethan was gay, but I never knew that for a fact. He always stay quiet and remain observant, and usually particularly at men. He had a good sense of fashion, unlike other guys. I thought of him as my shopping buddy as well. He also said "Bitch, please" a lot, I thought it was pretty funny.

He was always good at helping decorate the cupcakes for parties.

I opened my curtains once more, only to see Aidan being dragged into Ethan's disgusting green puke colored van that no one liked. Great, I thought silently to myself. Now he's probably heading back to Ethan's house or something. I bet he doesn't even care that I saw.

In a way, it looked like Aidan was trying to resist him. He kept looking at my window, as if he was looking for someone to help him. He yanked his arm back a couple of times, because he was no match for Ethan. He had always been one of the strongest.

I guess he's getting what's coming to him. I doubt Ethan could really do anything. I don't really give a fuck what happens. There is to much going on to care.

Let's review: Jared is dead, Denny is doing drugs, and Aidan had cheated on me with my gay best friend. Great, I really don't know what else could happen.


I got a phone call a few hours later.

It was Aidan.

"Kylie, I-"

"Don't even fucking talk to me," I hissed, my eyes still red with tears.

"You have to listen to me!" Fromy his voice, I could tell his was being sincere, and from his shakyness, it sounded as if he was crying.

"What do you want?"

"Kylie, I'm leaving..." he said with a trembling sigh. "I caused you so much trouble. I don't want to hurt you anymore..."

"Aidan!" I shouted. "Things always get bad at one point in life! You're the one who told me to look up on things!"

"But there is something you don't know; I tell people that so they don't end up like me. Running away from their problems." He grunted. "I've ran away before. It's not like I'll get lost."

"But you can't run away!" I pled. "Aidan, are you running because you cheated on me."

A shudder ran through his voice. Chills shot quickly down my spine, making me shudder as well. "I didn't cheat on you. He kissed me. And...there's something else."

I growled. "What else could there be?"

"Kylie...he raped me."

At that moment, it was as if all time froze, imagining the scene that happened. Ethan with a sinister smile, his raven black hair draping down to his naturally tan cheeks. Aidan, cold and scared, curled up innocently in the back of Ethan's disgusting puke colored van.

"I don't believe it..." I denied, still knowing it was true.

"I wouldn't make this up!" he shouted, a sudden bang in the distance, like something hit a wall, followed by Aidan wincing out loud.

"Aidan, stop it!"

I met the dead line of the phone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so more interestng things will be happening soon.
I hope you enjoy this:]
(it's like, 2:16am. goodnight :D)