The Mixed Clique

Car Ride

We all laughed as we piled in to Connor's slick silver Mustang. Thankfully, I got to ride shot gun. There wasn't enough room in the car for all of us. Ethan was tiny, so he shared a seat belt with Shane. Jared had to sit on Denny's lap, but Denny was used to the weight because of football.

"Denny, where did you go? You pretty much dissapeared..." Ethan asked with awe.

"It's called wearing all black and being on the track, cross country, and football team. Where have you been?" he teased.

"So where are we headed now?" asked Jared, moving around to get comfortable on Denny's lap.

"After I drop Kylie off at her house, we're all going to Ruby's. Guys night out," Connor laughed mischiviously as he nudged my shoulder playfully.

"Wait, if it's guys night out, why can't Kylie come?" Jared laughed. They all pushed Jared around playfully. "Guys stop! You know how I hate to be the one sitting on someone in the car. It makes me uncomfortable."

"So Denny..." Connor began. "Did you see that Ashley girl at the party tonight?"

"Yeah, she's pretty cute. Why?"

"She was asking about us."

"She seems like Jared's type of girl," Denny yawned.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Jared growled.

"I mean like, dude. Thick eye liner, brown hair with black tips, band T, plaid shorts. Seems like something you would like."

"I like someone else, though," he mummbled under his breath.

"Oh really? Who?" Shane asked.

"It's a secret..." he laughed secretly.

A scream broke over his laughter.

"Shit!" Connor swore. The car attempted to steer out of the way, but it was too late. Connor slammed on the breaks, but it wasn't soon enough.

I heard a loud crack like bones crushing exploding in my ears. But that was nothing compared to the never ending loud smash of raining glass. I put my arms over my head to protect my face from the glass. I felt sharp objects digging in to my arm. The scent of blood tickled my nose.

"Fucking trees...always getting in my fucking way..." Connor said softly as he dialed numbers on his phone. "Is everyone alright?"

When objects stopped falling, I looked back to see if everyone was fine. There was blood splattered across Denny's face; his whole body was pale and quivering. "W-where's Jared?" he spluttered out.

I felt something caress my leg...

A cold, milky white blood spotted hand rested against my leg. I heard loud raspy coughing come from under me. Jared was under the seat.

I looked down; seeing his crimson red trembling body was almost unbearable. I burst out in to tears, then someone hit my shoulder.

"Shut up!" Shane hissed. "You know what crying does to him! Just shut up!"

I stared down in to his tear spotted eyes. Nothing could replace the scared look he had on his face. He moved his bloody hand from my leg to a wound in his arm. His face winced in pain.

But still, out of his pain, Jared managed a smile. A smile to that made me think everything was going to be alright.

I was wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
I can't help but feel bad for what I did to Jared in this chapter.
"Happiness is a medicine I do not aquire."