The Mixed Clique


When Jared told me he loved me, of course my immediate respond was, "I love you, too," because honestly I really did love him. I think.

I have never felt love before, nor have I had anyone love me. Well more like have anyone love me that I actually knew. But if this was love I was feeling, if felt truly great. But deep in my heart, I couldn't describe what I was feeling.

Maybe him loving me was going to fill the void of me missing him.

"He loves you?" Denny snickered.

"Yes," I said, and flushed. "Why are you laughing?"

"It's predictable!" he laughed once more. The smile on his face quickly faded away. "Wait a second...Oh God..."


"I'll tell you later," he said. Then bolted.

If you want to know where we were, we were hanging outside of Ethan's house pretty late at night.. We do that often. Usually, we have to place to hang out because of special circumstances. At my house, my foster father smoked, and my foster mother drank too much. Ethan was embarrassed of his parents because they seemed to be stuck in the 80's. Connor's parents were over protective. Shane's parents had trust issues. Denny's house was recently under construction.

Which means it's the out doors for us.

I didn't even bother chasing Denny. If he didn't want to tell someone something, he never told them. No questions asked. Which means I have to ask other people.

"Does anyone know what he's talking about?" I groaned.

"Nah," said Connor. "Do you guys?"

"Maybe," Shane snickered.

"I haven't been told," said Ethan.

"I'm with Shane on this one," Aidan laughed.

Denny came around the corner in his raven black Corvet. You could barely see it from the darkness, but you could see that he had his elbow stuck out the window and a smirk spread across his face. His unique pale blond hair brushed over his eyes, making it hard to see.,

That's when he almost hit a girl with his car.

A tall slim silhouette jumped out of the tumbled on to the grass. Denny slammed on the breaks and quickly jumped out of his car. He took her hand and helped her up. From my distance, I could even hear him spilling out apologies.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going and well, you're wearing dark colors and my car is black, so it's hard to see."

"It's alright," she laughed. "I'm fine, don't worry about it."

Ethan whipped a flashlight from his pocket. It's kind of weird how Ethan always has everything you need whenever you need it. And how he keeps a flashlight in his pocket.

He shinned it on the girl, and there she was; Ashley Smith.

She had short wavy chocolate brown hair with the tips dyed black. Her shirt was black with some band logo on it with the Grim Reaper, with a pair of black skinny jeans and red high tops.

And if there was one thing Ashley Smith could do; it was make you not feel guilty anymore.

"Are you sure? I need to make it up to you," Denny pleaded.

"I told you, it's fine," Ashley laughed again.

"I feel guilty..." he mumbled.

And if there was one thing Denny annoyed people with; it was feeling guilty all the time.

"Are you okay, Ashley?" Aidan asked politely.

Ashley flushed. "I, uh...I'm f-fine," she stuttered.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

Her face turned dark red. "It's alright."

"What are you doing walking around this late anyway?" I asked.

"I'm coming from this huge party. All my friends got drunk, and they were supposed to give me a ride home. So I walked home; and I'm locked out of my house. I have no idea where my brother is, so this sucks," she explained.

"Maybe you can crash at Kylie's house," said Connor with a smile. "That alright with you, Kylie?"

"Sure, my parents are on vacation to Manchester. I'm sure they wouldn't mind," I said softly, and stared at the ground. "I think they would be happy that I'm actually hanging out with a girl."

"I like your hair," complimented Shane.

"Thank you," Ashley giggled. "Alright, I guess let's go."

So there we were, her and I, walking side by side down the road to my house. I never met this girl face to face, but I heard some rumors about her. Some good, some not so good. Hopefully, she would prove them wrong.

And she did.
♠ ♠ ♠
"There's nothing good in a goodbye."