The Mixed Clique


So Ashley spent the night at my house.

It turns out that we had a lot of things in common. We played around on the computer, talked about music that we liked, and talked about guys from bands we thought were hot. Mikey and Gerard Way, Zacky Vengeance, Synyster Gates, and Frank Iero.

She talked about Mikey the most, though.

The next day, we gathered up the guys and went to a movie. And well, didn't really watch the movie. We just threw popcorn and many other assortments of candy at some kids that we all hated, like the Margino twins. Jenna and Maggie.

They were freaked out in the beginning of the movie because a deer got hit by a car. It pretty much split in half and you could see pink mush oozing out of it's head. But why would you freak out about that if you were seeing a rated R gore fest?

After the movie; that's when the news hit me.

When the movie ended, I never knew I was five minutes from surprise. Aidan helped me up when my leg fell asleep, and we all walked out of the theater.

Two minutes.

Denny ran away again. No one knows why; he sometimes just feels like running away. When he came back, he brought Italian ices for all of us. Only God knows how he carried them all the way to us.

One minute.

Ethan and Shane had a contest to see who could chug their ice the fastest. Ethan lost by probably a second. Shane collapsed of brain freeze.

Then my cell phone rang.

I flipped it open, and put it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Five fucking months, Kylie. Five fucking months I've been in here. Put it on speaker."

I pressed the button to put the phone on speaker. "Jared?"

"Guys, you're not going to believe this," he squealed. "I'm getting out of the hospital. Tomorrow."

"Are you serious?" I shouted happily in to the phone.

"Yeah. I'm not cured. but they said I can go home for the day. They had to wait until my immune system built back up from the chemo therapy. I can't wait to see all of you guys!"

"Neither can I," Shane laughed. "Jared, we have a new friend. Her name is Ashley. We met her yesterday when Denny almost hit her with his car."

"Wow, another car related injury. What else is new?" he snickered.

"It wasn't an injury," whined Denny. "I almost hit her, but she jumped out of the way."

"I have no go now," he sighed, then hung up.

My heart started beating faster. Finally, Jared was getting out. He was going to get out of that disgusting hospital and finally see all of his friends again.

Or not.
♠ ♠ ♠
"I can't wait until a smile is able to brightens my day again."