The Mixed Clique


"That's not funny," I groaned, and grunted as I shook my head in disappointment.

Shane wiped the tears from his eyes. "Connor, are you kidding me?"

"Dude, there is nothing funny about a yodeling pickle and a Hillary Clinton nut cracker. Get off this lame website."

He sighed. "Fine. Wow, you have no sense of humor," he said as he clicked out of the box.

"I laugh at funny things. And that is not funny."

"Oh, come on! You would think it's funny if Kylie thought it was funny!" he teased.

"What about me?" said a high pitched voice from the doorway.

There she was; Kylie Metro. Her long straight jet black hair dangling bellow her shoulder blade with thick purple streaks. She wore a black corset with long black arm warmers from her wrist to the top of her shoulder. She also wore a black skirt with leggings underneath; along with plain black Chucks.

If you don't know what Chucks are, they're basically Converse.

And I love them.

I couldn't help but feel bad for Kylie ever since Jared was gone. It's been almost a month, and she still sulked a bit. I could barely look in her marble green eyes anymore.

"Connor was talking about how ugly you are," Shane joked.

"No I wasn't!" I snapped.

"I'm going to get a snack. Then take a shit. Be right back." Shane laughed.

"Okay..." she sighed, then took a seat on Shane's bed.

"Kylie, are you okay?" I asked as I sat on the bed next to her.

"What do you think?" I heard her voice getting shaky. Her bangs covered are eyes, making me unable to see if they were full of tears.

"Is it Jared?"

"No, this time it's not." Tears began to drip on to the ground. "It's Denny."

"What did he do?" I asked, inching closer to her.

"He's telling people my secret. I know he is, I'm not an idiot," she cried, her hands began to quiver.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Everyone is telling me that. Even his girlfriend said it was him."

"But doesn't she hate you?"

"She does, but how would she find out that I cut myself in the first place?" she explained.

"She could of just made that up. Honestly Kylie, a lot of people thought that a while before. And you knew that. What's so bad now?"

"Denny..." she whispered. "I accused him of betraying me...he held me down and screamed he wanted me to die..."

"What?" I almost shouted. "That's terrible..."

"And for some reason, I feel no remorse of accusing him. And I bet he has no regrets of screaming at me. I don't blame him. I don't deserve him. I don't deserve anyone..."

"Are you kidding me? Kylie, you're an amazing girl."

Kylie held up her arms and pulled down the sleeve of her arm warmer; ashamed. Bright red slits covered all of her arms. Not just the bottoms; all over.

I will get my revenged on him for doing this to her. Anger suddenly washing through my veins. The urge to cover him with Vaseline then set him aflame was unbearable. I craved the copper sent of his blood. The vision of it dripping silently from my hands. Wanting to rip apart the perfect face of my betrayer.

And if I did that, I admit, I would feel no remorse either.

What am I thinking? How could I do that to my best friend? No, I would never do something like that to Denny. Even if i did have the chance.

I think.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Your future looks bleak."