The Mixed Clique


"Denny, how the hell could you do that to her?" I could hear Connor's voice getting louder. He took a deep sigh of crispy winter air.

"Do what?" he hissed back.

It's weird; whenever one of us ever had a fight, we had this interrogation type thing to ask each other what we did, then try and resolve the problem. They always took place in Shane's over sized shed. Well, seemed over size, when we were six. Which I think we were getting too big for now, because its size was the reason they didn't invite Ashley in.

I'm not really sure if this problem can be fixed. After the way he hurt me, I don't want it to be fixed.

I just want to leave.

"Why the fuck did you tell Kylie that you wish she was dead?"

"No cursing," Shane snapped. He always acted like a judge.

"We're not in fucking first grade, Shane. I can curse all I want," Denny snapped. "And I didn't tell-"

"If you're going to be that shallow, why don't you just tell everyone Jared did the same thing?!" I shouted with a shaky voice. My hands began to tremble as I wiped tears from my eyes. Aidan wrapped his arm around my shoulders and whispered that everything was going to be alright.

But I don't believe anyone anymore. I've learned that.

"I didn't tell anyone! I swear on the life of Kellsie, I didn't tell anyone," Denny pleaded.

"But Kellsie," Ethan whispered.

"What was that you fucking Mexican?" Denny shouted.

"N-nothing..." Ethan languished, like he always did.

"Don't be racial against Ethan," said Shane with a hint of nuisance in his voice. "Denny, since when did you get so racist? And cruel, by the way."

"I'm not cruel!" Denny blared. "I just tell it like it is!"

"You've got some fucking nerve to be acting like this," Connor's cruel voice stabbed. "What happened to you?"

"Nothing!" he roared. "Just leave me alone!"

"I'll leave you alone when I want to." Connor began to stand. "Now why did you tell her you wanted her to die?"

"I d-didn't mean it," he stuttered. "I was just mad. I hate being accused as a liar."

"That doesn't give you the write to hold her down and tell her you want her to die."

"True...." Aidan added in.

"Shut up Aidan!" Denny screamed.

"No Denny, you shut up. For once in your life, just keep your mouth closed!" Connor snapped back.

"I'm sick of your shit..." Denny hissed as he stood. "And this isn't making anything better. So shut your fucking mouth before I make you."

"Fine," said Shane. "Make me."

When the first punch was thrown, that's when I ran out crying.

I don't even care if anyone was following me. Or cared that I ran out, for that matter. I couldn't stand hearing their shrieks and howls of pain from beating on each other, or the bashing of annihilated furniture.

Someone's cold hand grabbed mine.

It was Aidan.

His warm breath seemed to rise quickly and disappear in the freezing winter air. From his eyes, I could sense his worry. They shimmered with the spots of tears. His hair was all over the place, covering part of his eyes, ears, and some of it sticking up. It looked like he tried hard to get out of there.

"It's alright," he said softly, then gathered me in to a hug.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Must I teach you how to scream to amount desire?"