Status: [COMPLETE]

Hold Your Breath

Chapter One

"Vic," called a voice from across the hallway. It was impossible to ignore that voice. Even in this overcrowded beige hallway, Mike's voice was so distinct that no one could possibly miss him. That and the fact that he was undeniably incredibly gorgeous. It was wrong for me to say, let alone think, that about my own best friend but it was also undeniably right. Even now, more than half the girls in the stupid hall was staring at the tall figure coming after me. Of course, who wouldn't find a guy with dyed black hair, green eyes, and snake bites attractive?

"VIC!" he called again.

I ignored him and continued to walk down the hallway. You might think that this was an odd scenario, me walking away from Mike, my best friend since grade school and not to mention current eye candy for all the underclassmen and few select older women when we were out of school. Well let me explain, Mike never used to be like this. You know, the gorgeous musician type who knew how attractive the female and some of the male population found him. Nope, he used to be the silly brown haired boy who I could sit on the swing set in the park with and eat a melting ice cream bar with. His hair used to be short and never did that flippy thing that he does now a days... and before his change, I could actually tolerate him.

A hand found my shoulder and twirled me around. I stared angrily at the tall boy. He was frowning at me, wondering at my odd behavior. I rolled my eyes and tapped my foot, impatiently waiting for him to say something.

It was odd how Mike and I still managed to be friends in high school. Right when freshmen year started, he was the talk of the town, erm, I mean school. He hit instant popularity what with him faking his 'I'm-a-struggling-musician-caught-between-the-emo-and-indie-look'. In other words, when high school hit, he turned into a fake. I stayed regular me. My brunette hair stayed the same wavy mop as it had been before high school save that it grew a few inches. I never wore colored contacts though people swear my blue eyes changed colors every day. And, as far as I was concerned, my height was permanently stuck where it was now, which wasn't very high off the ground. I had no claim to the high school fame game and I sort of expected that. What I didn't expect was that Mike would still sit with me at lunch or even talk to me. I was sort of shocked at his loyalty and at the same grateful. But now it was senior year and his antics were less than tolerable.

"Brittany Victoria Grant, don't make me say it," he warned me with a smirk.

It annoyed me that he used my full name all the time. Brittany was such a bitch name. The ordinary Mike fan girl would have melted under his gaze and resolve to a liquid puddle. Psst, not me. I glared angrily at Mike not saying a word. People passing by gazed and muttered about us. We were normal talk around school. Often times there were rumors that Mike and I were dating, but they were all but true. Mike couldn't hold a relationship longer than a week if he tried. I, on the other hand, couldn't even find a guy willing to have a relationship with me if my life depended on it.

"Alright, you made me," Mike said as he turned around so his back was to me. I rolled my eyes again in annoyance and mouthed the words as they came out of his mouth, "I profess to everyone present here today that I am in love with Brittany Victoria Grant."

If it only were too good to be true. Mike turned around and embraced me. I smacked his hand away before he could pinch my cheek. This was probably why people were constantly thought that we were an item. Stupid Mike and his antics. The boy grabbed by arm and laced it through his and walked in the direction of the senior parking lot.

"Why can't you just fall at my feet like every other girl?" he asked laughingly.

I looked at him from the corners of my eyes, "Mike, you can't be serious."

"Why? It's OK if you're secretly obsessed with me. I'll understand. It's perfectly normal for an ordinary average girl to have a crush on her ordinary average best friend aspiring to be a musician. I hear its all the crave."

I scoffed at him, "Being average is overrated."

Mike laughed at this, "Well I hope you're not being your regular overrated self tonight because I'm playing at Spoon's tonight and you know it would mean everything to have my overrated best friend there."

"Mike, I have to study for a Calculus test."

"Vic, it's a Friday."

"Fine. I supposed I could-"

Mike squealed like a little girl and suffocated me in an incredible hug. He kissed my cheek and looked at me one last time.

"Thanks dollaaaface! I'll see you there at eight sharp."

Annoyed, I hoped into my car and drove home.