Status: [COMPLETE]

Hold Your Breath

Chapter Ten

"Oh you're totally lame,"

I rolled my eyes as i folded a piece of laundry, "How is that lame Ryan? I like to be in one piece when the put me in my grave."

"Just because you go to a concert doesn't mean you'll get thrashed," Ryan argued.

It was pointless. We had been on the phone for an hour and a half. He would not give up. Ryan said he wouldn't hang up unless I agreed to go to the Panic! concert in two weeks. That would be around Thanksgiving.

"Hm, let's see. Millions of fan girls pushing me around or into a railing if I manage to get that close? Uh no thanks," I replied while ironing another shirt.

I heard Ryan sigh and imagined him rolling his eyes.


"Can't you find someone else to go?"

I glanced at the clock. The conversation would have to end soon whether or not it meant that Ryan got his wish.

"I want you to go!" He paused, "If you come with me, I'll get you a back stage pass and I'll even go to your Thanksgiving dinner."

"I didn't even invite you," I frowned.

"I know, but I could tell you were going to," he answered smirking.

A back stage pass to a Panic! At The Disco concert sounded tempting... I looked at my phone. Two hours?! It had just occurred to me. I had a new number and that meant a new plan. But I had yet to receive a bill. Ryan sensed something wrong since I had been silence.

"What's up Vicky?"

"Ryan... who's paying for my phone."

Silence. Just as I suspected.

"RYAN! You can't pay for my phone! Send the bill to me!"

"What? No, I want to. It's ok, seriously. You haven't gone over your minutes yet though,"

"That's not the point. I'm not letting you pay for my phone," I countered.

"Ok, I'll drop off the back stage pass tomorrow when I see you. Bye Vicky."


I stared at the silent phone. The boy was a work of art.


The venue was packed when I got there. I knew I should have gone early like Ryan suggested but I had been feeling slightly rebellious. It wasn't a very big place to begin with. There must have been about five hundred people there. It was a relatively small crowd for Panic but a huge one for whatever the venue was called. I navigated myself to the back and a security guard held his hand out to stop me. I flashed him my pass and he let me pass.

The behind the scenes of this place wasn't much to brag about. I wondered how the band was coping with the odd conditions. I wondered aimlessly up and down hallways, wondering where the band could be. I turned a corner and arms wound themselves around me.

"Finally Victoria! I've been waiting," Ryan smiled at me and let me go, "Come on, I want you to meet the guys."

I followed him down a hall that I could have sworn I had gone down. Ryan opened the door and the other members of Panic were waiting for the show to begin. I recognized one of them from our encounter at Spoon's. Brendon, I think was his name.

Remember? The guy who said I had coffee breath and needed a mint. Yeah, that was Brendon.

"LOOOKKK A GROUPIE!" Brendon squealed rushing over to me and hugged me tightly.

I pushed him away and looked at her sternly, "Stealing is bad."

Brendon looked at me confused. Ryan laughed, "She's talking about her phone."

Brendon realized what I was talking about and laughed with Ryan. Ryan reached over and pulled me over to where two guys were playing on an Xbox 360.

"That one's Jon, he's getting his ass kicked. This is Spencer, he's doing the ass kicking. Guys this is Vic."

The both smiled and waved at me briefly before returning their attention back to the video game. Ryan turned to me and smiled.

"Ready for the best show of your life?" he asked.

I laughed, "Yes, Ryan. Yes."

Ryan and I laughed in his car as he drove me home. We were recounting the events of the night. My favorite part was when Brendon reached out to the crowd and they started to pull him in. It was a very fulfilling and energetic concert that I had ever been to.

"I'm glad you had fun," Ryan said, turning off the engine.

"Me too," I said watching as he turned to face me.

Both of grew silent and just stared at each other. Talk about awkward. Ryan had this look on his face... My heart grew faster. Ryan opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted, afraid of what I might hear.

"Thanks, it was real fun," I said hurriedly, "Uhm, dinner is at six thirty tomorrow."

I got out of his car and ran inside. Once the door was closed behind me, I slid to the ground and breathed out heavily.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I didn't write about the concert. I wasn't in the mood. Again, sorry for shortness. I was not in the mood