Status: [COMPLETE]

Hold Your Breath

Chapter Twelve

WARNING: This chapter has explicit pre-sex scenes. Strong sensuality. It isn't a necessary read. You could skip it all together or read only until where it says LEMON.


Honestly, I couldn't believe my family. What part of, 'Ryan-and-I-are-just-friends' did they not understand? The worst part was having Ryan feeding them lies, leading them on like a stupid herd of cows. They were just eating out of the palms of his hands. Where did he get off on this?

I rolled so I was facing the wall next to my bed. There was a soft knock on my door and a squeak followed someone entering my room. I sighed.

"Go away. I don't want to see anyone," I mummbled as some hair fell into my face.

"Hey grumpy, I just wanted to say goodbye before I left," he said, sitting next to me at the end of my bed.

I turned back around and sat straight up so I could see him better. He had a weak smile on his face but it somehow didn't reach his eyes. Why was he being mopey?? I opened my mouth to speak but not words came out so instead I didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry about tonight," Ryan said gazing distantly at the floor, "I was just trying to get your family to like me."

"Why?" I blurted out.

Ryan looked at me with what seemed to look like hurt, "So I could be around you more often. Honestly, I just wanted to make a good impression."

"But we're not together," I said.

Ryan looked at me sadly, "I know."

My heart stopped. Did Ryan... Did Ryan have feelings for me. Everything was still in the world when this realization hit me. Ryan... had feelings for me. I tried to catch my breath but I couldn't. I don't know why but I was suddenly nervous. I don't know why though. It could have been because Ryan and I were alone in a room together. It could have been because of how close we were sitting together. Or it could have even been how he was just looking at me so heart broken.

"Ryan I-"

But before I could say anything Ryan's lips were on mine. I was too shocked to even respond. His lips kept attacking desperately at my unresponsive ones. He was soft and loving, nothing like I had ever experienced before. Slowly, I started to move my lips with his which only fueled him more once he realized that I had not rejected him.


He had me pinned between him and my bed, unable to move. I reached down and slid my hands under his shirt, feeling his solid and smooth chest before removing it completely. Ryan detached his lips from mine and trailed down to my neck. I moaned as he did so, moving my hands downwards towards to his belt. Ryan stopped kissing my neck and did a quick intake of air as my hands rested right before his pants line. His hand fumbled as he guided my hand over his pants and rested on something throbbing and warm. I looked at him with eyes equally filled with passion.

He looked so handsome and serene, like nothing could destroy this moment that we both desperately wanted. Ryan stared at me as he slowly brought his mouth down to my lips and we kissed each other softly. He took my hand away from his pants placed on his neck. I heard him as he undid his belt and zipper, throwing away his under garmets.

His hands went under my shirt where he cupped and massage me. Ryan pulled off the white shirt and gazed at me longingly. I quickly kicked my jeans off, leaving only my underwear on. Ryan pressed himself against me making me moan and want more. He was so hard against my thigh. Removing the last of what kept me from being completely naked, Ryan gazed at my entirity then we proceeded to immerse ourselves in each other's being.