Status: [COMPLETE]

Hold Your Breath

Chapter Twenty

Have you ever tried to sit in a car with four boys ridiculously pumped on energy drinks? Well then... you should have been in shoes. I was sitting in the middle of a van in between Mike and Topher while Derrick and Riley sat in the back. My hands were timidly on my lap and I leaned into Mike whenever Topher had some type of outburst.

Let's just say, the drive to the venue was anything but enjoyable. It was torture.

"ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!" screamed Riley and Topher.

Riley cursed angrily as Topher cut his paper into two. I thought Topher was supposed to be the mature one, I guess I thought wrong. He laughed hysterically as Riley proceeded to take off his shirt and jeans. Apparently the loser had to run out of the van naked into the busy street while yelling ,"IMA BITCH!" repeatedly. How middle school could these boys get?

The driver up front looked skeptically at the boys in the mirror, "Should I pull over?"

I opened my mouth to say yes only to have Mike interrupt me, "Nah dude, we'll be late just keep going. We'll wait for him at the next stop."

The driver shrugged and started to hit the gas pedal as the light turned green.

"Just pull over when you cross the intersection," I commanded, looking at Riley who was now scaring an elderly couple.

"You got it miss," he replied chirpy, obviously happy to obey someone with some type of common sense.

The guys laughed their head off as a pissed off Riley got back inside the car. He glared at his band mates and thanked me for stopping the van. I sighed. These boys needed babysitters.

When we arrived to the venue there were fans already lined up in the front, waiting to get in. It was was a huge stadium, easily fitting 7,000 people. I didn't realize that Grant the Letdown had already become so big. We entered through the back and were led to a dressing room where the guys would relax until the show started in an hour and a half.

"Want to play roc-"

"Shut up Topher," Riley grumbled over his water bottle.

I shook my head disapprovingly and Mike smiled at me, planting a kiss on my cheek. Then a knock came at the door. Derrick headed over and opened the door, allowing a guy with a large headset to peek his head into the room.

"They want to do a sound check you guys real quick," he said.

The four boys started to walk up and follow him but I pulled Mike back.

"What am I going to do while your gone?" I asked helplessly and not wanting to be alone.

Mike shrugged, "You could stay here or explore a bit? I'll text you when I'm back."

I gave a pout and kissed him as he left. Explore? What could there possibly be here that needed exploration? I grumbled a bit and shoved my phone into my jean pocket. Outside the dressing room was a hallway that intersected several other hallways. There was no time like the present to explore.

Walking down the hallway, I turned right at the first corner and noticed there was another room where shouting and yelps were coming from. Curious, I started slowly down the hallway to investigate what was happening. I was about to reach the door when someone came bounding out of the room and crash straight into me. My body collided with the floor before I even felt the pain. I groaned in discomfort, rubbing my bottom.


My eyes popped open and I stared at the person's shoes. My mouth was a little agape. I didn't want to look up for fear of what I might find there. It was all too much of a coincidence. Mike would have told me... Why.... That would explain... He couldn't have... I looked up at the person staring at me with and equally surprised expression.
