Status: [COMPLETE]

Hold Your Breath

Chapter Twenty-Two

"I honestly think that Johnny Depp was hotter in Charlie and The Chocolate Factory than Pirates of the Caribbean," argued Topher as we sat watching the second Pirates movie.

Everyone stared at Topher in surprise at his sudden outburst.

"Dude Topher," Mike said, "Are you gay?"

Topher frowned at Mike, "No."

"Johnny Depp looks more like a woman in The Chocolate Factory," I commented.

Topher smiled at me, "Yeah see!"

"But that doesn't justify you thinking he's hotter in that movie, since he technically is still a guy. So you are sort of queer," I added.

Topher frowned at me and opened his mouth to speak. A runner bust through our room, "You guys need to get on stage now."

The four of them stood up and started out of the room. Mike looked back at me and motioned me to follow. I smiled and rushed hurriedly to his side.

"Are you excited?" I asked Mike.


"It's finally coming true!" I squealed as the opening to the stage came in view.

"I know, after this tour I'll have enough money to get you a nicer ring," Mike said beaming down at me.

"Mike! This diamond is big enough as it is," I argued.

"Well.. I'll get you another one then. Wish me luck!"

Mike kissed my lips swiftly before he ran out on stage first. Riley followed after him who gave me a nod. Topher came next; he stopped before heading out.

"You don't think he's hotter in The Chocolate Factory?" he asked pouting.

I laughed, "I like my men rugged."

Topher scrunched up his face, "What the hell are you doing with Mike then?"

We both laughed and he headed out. Derrick was up next. I hugged him tightly. When we let go he looked me in the eye.

"Watch out for yourself, kid. Men here are on the prowl."

"Get out there and rock Derrick," I smiled at him.

He laughed and rushed out to his drum set. Mike began to speak into the mic, "HELLLOOO SEEATTTLE!"

The crowd went up in chaos. They screamed and cheered.

"Well, that's certainly quite a welcome," Mike said, "This is a new song we wrote recently. You guys are the first to hear it!"

Riley started a fast guitar rift followed by Topher's bass. Derrick began pounding the bass drum and Mike began to sing,

I'm sitting in the back seat of your car
(I've got a nine millimeter ready to go)
I need to hear your voice
(Just before I let go)

Oh, woah.

Your image is stuck in my head
This is worst than being dead
I need you more than ever
It's now or never

I'm still holding on to you
(I haven't burned your photos)
I broke the promise I made to you
(And now I have to go)

Oh no

I frowned at the lyrics, who had written this song? I looked at Derrick. He wasn't much for words but I knew he was still broken up about his last girlfriend.

"And I need you here with me
I need you to be
But now that you're gone
I guess I'll have to move on

And it hurts just to breath
I'm missing all those times when it was just
You and me.

I don't want to let go
(You're the only thing I knew)
But now that you're gone
(I've nothing to lose)

Because I've lost it all.

They played the chorus over again and I listened to all the agonizing lyrics. It finally stopped and the crowd went wild. Mike began to introduce the members. I watched as the fire in his eye increased as he sang the second and third song. Finally after the fourth he was dripping with sweat.

"Hey Seattle," Mike said.

The crowd rang with screams and 'what's' and 'yeah's'.

"Thanks for being a KICK ASS crowd tonight," Mike said breathlessly into the mic, "But this was only the beginning and its only going to get better from here on in. Our friends Pa-"

"Hey Vic,"

I spun around to see Ryan a few ways off from me. I turned around and ignored his presence.

"Can we talk?" Ryan asked.

"Why don't you just talk to Sandy?" I snapped vehemently while watching Mike saying his final good byes to the crowd.

Ryan made his way by my side, "Look I wanted to tell you that I-"

Grant the Letdown stepped off stage and entered where Ryan and I were standing. Mike hugged me. I laughed obnoxiously to annoy Ryan.

"MIKE! YOU'RE COVERED IN SWEAT!" I giggled a little to loudly.

Mike laughed and kissed my cheek. He looked at Ryan, "Hey Ryan. Aren't you guys up in like ten?"

Ryan gazed at me then looked at Mike, "Yeah. Brendon and the others are getting dressed. I got ready early to see you guys finish."


"Haha, cool dude," Mike said laughingly, "After we get cleaned up and shit. We'll head on over to watch Panic."

"Cool," Ryan replied unenthusiastically.

Mike and I started to walked towards the dressing room.

"Uh Mike," Ryan called out before we turned the corner.

"Yeah?" Mike answered, turning us around.

Ryan looked at me then back at Mike, "Good show."

Mike smiled warmly at him, "Thanks."

[Ryan's POV]

Good show?

I pounded my head with the heel of my palm. That was NOT what I wanted to say. I could have said anything but that.

I could have said, "I slept with your girlfriend while you guys were fighting."

Or, "I'm in love with your girlfriend."

Or "I hate you because stole the only girl I've ever loved."

I could have said ANYTHING but instead I said, "Good show,"

"LET'S GO RYYYYYYYAN!" Brendon squealed as he ran past me and onto the stage.

The crowd erupted in fan girl squeals as Brendon ran onto stage. I gave a frustrated sigh and ran out after him.
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