Status: [COMPLETE]

Hold Your Breath

Chapter Twenty-Four

Mike and I collapsed on the floor of Grant the Letdown's dressing room and watch as Riley, Topher, and Derrick played charades. It was extremely entertaining because Riley was already half off his face with alcohol.

Not to mention he had his pants on his head and his shirt was forgotten somewhere. He was in nothing but his boxers. Mike jokingly put his hands over my eyes like a protective parents. I whisked them away and laughed. Riley jumped up and down and made a winging motion.

"A frog!" Derrick shouted.

"A bullfrog!" Topher added.

Derrick frowned at Topher, "Topher that's the same thing."

"Whatever Derrick. A swan!" Topher yelled.

Riley took another swig of his beer and continued to flap his arms wildly.

"A deer!" Derrick added.

A beeper went off somewhere and Riley glared angrily at his stupid band mates, "What the fuck? How the fuck does this look like a deer?" Riley asked as he flapped his arms again.

Derrick and Topher looked at each other and shrugged, "What were you then?"

"I was a mothertruckin TURKEY!"

"Then why are you naked?" asked someone as they stepped into the room.

We all turned to see Spencer followed by Brendon, Jon, Ryan and... Sandy. I winced as I noticed her arm around Ryan's middle. The guys apparently had finished their show and were now hanging out in our dressing room. I glared at Sandy who was whispering something into Ryan's ear, causing him to chuckle.

"We were playing charades," Riley replied angrily, pulling on his jeans but not finding his shirt. He opened a new beer and downed half of it.

"Charades?" Brendon asked, "I want to play."

"OK," Derrick said, lying on me and Mike's lap, "Vic you can go first."

Mike looked at Derrick who had his head in his lap, "Dude Derrick, I know you're in love with me, but not in front of the kids." Derrick laughed and sat up next to me.

"I don't want to go first," I complained.

"I'll go first," Ryan interjected.

All eyes turned to him as he stood up. He thought about what he should act out and smirked.

"OK, this is a person," he said.

We watched as Ryan jumped onto the couch and then jumped off which a spaz looking smile on his face. He got a hair brush and started to lip sync into it. We all watched curiously at Ryan's behavior.

"Brendon?" I said unsure.

He pointed to me, "Yeah! Nice Vic."

I flinched as he pointed at me, "That means I go up next huh?"

Mike laughed, "Come on, you can pretend to be Riley and I'll guess so you don't have to go."

I shook my head, "Nah, I'll play fair. Guess who I am."

I sat on a chair and started to air drum.

"DERRICK!" Riley slurred, and almost spilling his new can of beer.

I shook my head and continued to drum.

"SPENCER!" I looked to my left where Spencer was sitting.

"Spencer, did you just guess yourself?" I asked.

He frowned, "Yeah I guess I just did."

Needless to say, it continued on like that for awhile until it was time to get to the tour buses. From this point on it would be a long drive across the country. Thank goodness they got two buses for the bands. I would have gone crazy if I had to be with him.

I glanced at the back of his head while we walked down the hallway to the parking lot. I glared at the stupid red haired girl who clung to his arm tightly. I wanted to roar.

Roar? I blinked.

Someone pulled me out of Mike's grasp. I turned to see none other than the Brendon Urie. He was smiling at me.

"VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCC!!" he screamed, "You have to be on OUR tour bus!"

"Why?" I asked, not really wanting to watch Ryan and Firebird over there go at it. I watched as they entered Panic's tour bus.

Brendon pouted, "Because I mwiss you?"

Mike laughed and put an arm around my neck, "I think my fiance should be with me, Brendon."

"Your... fiance? You guys are... engaged?" Brendon asked in disbelief.

Before either of us could answer he grabbed my hand and shrieked as he saw the large diamond on my ring finger.

"Well," Brendon said frowning at the ring, "That is some ring."

I slid my hand from his and smiled, "Yeah. We'll switch later on in the tour ok? I haven't been with Mike for awhile."

Brendon smiled at this and nodded. He gave me a hugged and then tried to hug Mike... which creeped him out.

"Congratulations guys!" He said before climbing aboard his tour bus.

[Ryan's POV]
"Ry babby," Sandy cooed, "Let's do something."

"Not right now," I said, "I'm really tired."

Brendon climbed onto the bus with a weird look on his face. He sat down at the little dining table and stared at his folded hands.

I frowned at his not hyperactive demeanor. Pushing Sandy off of me, I say across from Brendon.

"What's wrong?"

Brendon raised his eyes at me in amusement, "Nothing."