Status: [COMPLETE]

Hold Your Breath

Chapter Twenty-Six

"Brendon," I whined as I rolled over and smacked him in the face with my hand.

The lead singer mumbled something incoherent and flipped over to his other side to ignore me. We were currently sleeping on the floor, sharing a blanket that Brendon pulled from his bunk. Unfortunately, Brendon was currently hogging all of it.

"BBBREEEENNNDDDOONNN...." I whined as I scratched at his back.

He made a grunt and looked over his shoulder sleepily, "Vic, shut up. I was in the middle of a good dream that included William Beckett and Derek Bloom."

I blinked a couple of times and frowned, "I don't even want to know..." Then remembering the blanket situation, "Could you please share some of your incredibly small blanket with me? I'm freezing."

"Screw off," he mumbled returning back to his sleep.

I glared at his back and kicked his behind. He laughed but didn't move an inch. Well that was completely pointless. I sat up and tried to think of something that would fix this situation.

"Psst," said a voice from somewhere in the back of the bus.

I gazed into the darkness, unsure who had called me, "Who is it?"

"It's Ryan. Come here, I'll give you a spare blanket," he beckoned.

And against my good judgment, I got up and walked to where his voice was calling from. Which was a bad idea... I had taken several steps before realizing my mistake. In a terrible slow motion, I watched as Ryan charged at me with a bucket of who knows what. The sticky brown substance splattered all over me. Some of the stray substance landed on the Brendon, causing him to wake up in a start. It took a few moments for us to realize that the substance was...

"MOLASSES?!" Brendon Urie screamed as he tried to work out the large amount that had gotten into his hair... only succeeding in making the brown goo thicker and more entwined in his hair.

As if he were the one to complain! I was standing absolutely drenched in the muck. I couldn't even open my eyes without getting some of it in them. I felt it dribble down my hair to my body. It felt wrong to move at all. With much effort, I raised my hands to my eyes and wiped away the molasses gathering there. Heatedly, I glared at Ryan.

"Did you actually just throw a bucket of molasses on me and Brendon?"

Ryan smiled sheepishly at me, "Yup."

I blinked, still frowning at him, "You just happened to have a bucket of molasses lying around on the tour bus?"

Ryan raised his eye brows at me, "Apparently I did."

"I don't even want to know why you had a bucket of molasses on the bus with you," I said turning to Brendon who was still trying to get the molasses out of his hair. A trail of molasses stuck to his hand as he combed some out of his hair and glared at the offending hand. His gazed snapped back to Ryan.


I laughed, "It's ok Brendon, we'll get him back."

And with that I walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

[Ryan's POV]
After Vic and Brendon had taken their showers [not at the same time of course], I went back to my bunk elated to find some sleep. My smile faltered a little to see someone already in my bunk. Oh right, Sandy. I scooted in a little and closed my eyes.

Several minutes later, I heard people bickering out side my bunk. I reached to pull the curtain back but it was snapped open before I could do so. Before I could even blink, my punk was suddenly filled with whip cream. Or at least, from what I could see it was filled with whip cream.

I tried to wipe it out of my face only to have more whip cream to replace it. By now, Sandy had awakened and was screaming her head off. Poor Spencer and Jon. The cans had finally stopped sounding so I took the opportunity to wipe my eyes. I gazed at the very smug looking Vic and Brendon then inspected the damage down.

"Wow," was all I could say.

Everything in my bunk was lined with whip cream. It was as if I had a whip cream blanket covering me. I turned to Sandy who was now screaming vulgarities at the two. She had also fallen victim to the whip cream attack.

"Have fun cleaning your bunk!" Brendon sang as he dragged Vic with him to where they were sleeping at the front of the bus.

I sighed and got out to start cleaning the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
On a side note;; The tour buses of my imagination have showers. Whether they actually do in real life is beyond me.

This is a filler. Sorry. Again, the next one is the last one. I swear.