Status: [COMPLETE]

Hold Your Breath

Chapter Twenty-Seven

"Mmmmm," I murmured into Brendon's back as the dream I was experiencing continued. It was a nice dream, one including bunnies and fishes and a nice big lake. But all good things come to an end... in my case, it was a very abrupt end.


Startled, Brendon and I both sat up straight and hit our heads on the bottom of the kitchen table. I rubbed my head, irritated that the noisy horn had not stopped. Of course, I thought to myself as I spotted the red nozzle of a fog horn blasting in front of my face. I followed the arm connected to the horn to see a very pleased Ryan Ross.

I was about to open my mouth when Brendon grabbed the horn. He narrowed his eyes angrily and chucked the horn at Ryan. He was obviously not amused by the prank Ryan had pulled. Ryan laughed as Brendon started to curse at him.

"Ryan quit being an immature jerk!" Brendon screamed.

"Hey, you started this war," Ryan answered putting up his hands in defense, "It's ok if you want to surrender."

"FINE!" Brendon shouted, "It's OVER! We surrender! NOW LET ME GET SLEEP!"

I laughed as Brendon laid back down and muttered something with the words 'inconsiderate' and 'lyricist'. I turned back to Ryan who was looking back at me intently. A very awkward silence befell us. Great time to sleep Brendon.

"Vic, I-"

"Oh, look at that," I said interrupting him, "There's a Starbucks coming up."

Suddenly, Brendon sat straight, hitting his head a second time on the table. He rubbed it irritably. I laughed at Brendon.

"STARBUCKS!" He squealed pulling me out from under the table.

I looked back to see a displeased Ryan. He was obviously sore about not being able to talk to me privately. That was good. If I could avoid and awkward confrontations from Ryan then I would do so as long as I was permitted. Thank goodness for Starbucks.

"I'd like a tall Mocha Latte," I said as I opened my wallet and reached for a ten dollar bill.

"Hurry up already!" Brendon egged from behind Ryan who was next in line.

Ryan stared irritably at Brendon then back at the menu.

"Miss?" said the cashier.

Oh right, I still had to pay. I grabbed the bill and handed it to her. The lady took it, but not before gazing at my hand intrigued.

"Wow, congratulations," she said before handing back my change.

I frowned at her, "For what?"

I watched as she took my hand and marveled at my ring, "For your engagement. It's a beautiful ring."

I pulled my hand back and gave a nervous laugh, "Haha, yeah thanks."

Moving over to the side, I waited for my drink. Rolling my eyes and tapping my foot impatiently, I didn't notice the boy that was now standing in front of me.

"You're getting married?" asked a soft and quiet voice.

Crap. I gazed at Ryan who was frowning at me with his hands in his pocket. Hadn't someone told him already? I thought Brendon might have or someone from Mike's band. This was something I didn't want to do. Why hadn't I told him myself? I mentally smacked myself. Duh, I was avoiding any sort of conversation with him. At least, that's what part of me was telling my brain as the excuse.

"Uh, yeah," I said dumbly.

He blinked a couple of times. His face was unreadable as he waited several minutes before responding, "Since when?"

I rubbed my arm, "Since Christmas."

A lump formed in my throat. But why? It wasn't like I was ashamed that I was going to get married to Mike. But I couldn't shake the tension filling in my mind as I broke the news to Ryan.

"Oh," was all he said.

"Yeah..." I said equally awkward.

"Con-Congratulations." He said quietly.


I grabbed my drink and returned to the tour bus. That was definitely something I wanted to experience again.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK, I lied. That wasn't a filler.