Status: [COMPLETE]

Hold Your Breath

Chapter Twenty-Eight

"What's wrong, Vic?"

I looked up from the floor I had taken refuge on. It's funny. I had been sitting there for ten minutes without saying a word. I had almost thought that if I sat still enough I'd be able to blend in with the navy and gray checkered floor. My mocha latte hadn't even been touched. Derrick stared down at me blankly.

I coughed awkwardly, "Nothing. Every thing's fine Derr."

You know the unconvinced look that people give when they know you're lying? Derrick was giving me this look but what was I supposed to do? I couldn't just out right tell him... The fact of the matter was... I didn't even know what I was so bummed out about.

"You sure? Cause I'm always open for listening," he insisted.

I glared at him slightly annoyed, "Thanks Derrick but there's nothing bothering me."

He rolled his eyes, "Yea OK. Vic."

I watched as he walked towards the back of the bus where his bunk was. Sighing, I stared back at my black ballet flats when another pair of shoes stopped in front of me.

"Hey Vic," greeted a chirpy tone.

With all the fakeness I could muster up, I smiled up at Mike. Those stupid green eyes would always have the same impact on me. Slowly, my smile began to warm and meet my eyes. I had Mike. He would always love me so why should I feel down in the dumps? He wanted to spend the rest of his life with me and only me. I shouldn't let some stupid boy doubt my loyalty.

"Hey Mikey," I grinned.

"...And I hope I'll always get to hold you/ Eternally..."

The crowd roared with applause and approval as Mike finished the last line of the song. He snuck a look over at me and smiled. Smiling back, I watched as Mike spoke into the microphone. He was incredible, really. He belonged out there on stage... it was where he seemed almost perfect. Even with the sweat running down his face and eyes glistening, Mike was so perfect -flawless.

"So, I hope you guys enjoyed that song. We have one more for you before the big guys take the stage from us and I'd like to dedicate this to my fiance, Victoria Grant. Vic could please come out here?"

I rolled my eyes. What was with these guys and dragging me out to stage. Reluctantly, I walked over calmly to where Mike was standing in the center of the stage. I waved at Derrick who saluted me with a drum stick. Mike guided me onto a chair he had pulled out and then the band began to play. There had to be at least 5,500 people at the concert. I smiled at Mike who had started on the chorus.

Surprisingly, the crowd was actually singing along with Mike. It was an amazing sight to behold. Mike was an amazing sight to behold. He smiled at me as he sung his way through the song. A few minutes later the song was done and we were walking hand in hand off stage.

"What're you thinking about?" Mike asked unexpectedly as we sat off to the side of stage as Panic! took it by storm.

I looked at my fiance with questioning eyes, "Hmm?"

"Well, you haven't said anything since we got off stage," Mike stated.

Haha, he was an observant one. I laughed, "I was thinking about how you looked on stage."

Mike raised his eye brows, "Oh?"

Then he puffed out his chest, "How'd I look?"

Laughing, I replied, "Like you belonged there."

His chest deflated, "I was hoping something along the lines of 'manly' or 'sexy' but I guess that works too..." He smiled and kissed my cheek, "That's why you're my fiance."

"You're getting married too?!" an intruding and not-so-welcomed voice announced as a body plopped itself next to my chair.

I frowned and turned to Fire- I mean Sandy, "Huh? What?"

Sandy grinned at me [a very malicious one at that], "I didn't know you were getting married! We should totally plan our weddings together! When's the date?!"

I had to blink a couple of times before my mind could register that I had been blinking for about thirty-five seconds. It took several seconds after that to register and comprehend what was Sandy was telling me, "It's not planned ye... You and Ryan are getting married? Since when?" I asked in a sort of astonished disbelief and disgusted tone.

She must have been incredibly thick not to hear it too.

"Yeah! Since we met in December! We've been trying to keep it hush hush so we wouldn't be plundered with paparazzi and media. You know, the works. But with the date coming up, we're not really caring if word gets out. Actually, we want it to get out."

I smiled at her painfully and replied, "Oh... wow! That's great, Sandy. Congratulations..."

"Yeah, thanks. Vic, I want to put all our past quarrels behind us. I would really appreciate it if you were one of my bride's maids."

I gave a snort but Sandy didn't notice it, "Yeeaahhh. Sure!" I said unenthusiastically.

"Thanks, Vic! You're such a doll! I'm heading back to the tour buses. Do you need anything?" She asked with a sweet smile. I would pay anything to decapitate her right now.

"No," I replied.

I turned over to Mike who was intently watching Panic! with Riley. I tapped his shoulder, "Mike."

"What, babe? I'm watching the guys right now. Can it wait?"

"No," I responded sternly.

Mike narrowed his eyes and looked at me concerned, "What's wrong Vic?"

Angered, I crashed my lips against his. Mike stumbled back in his chair, not expecting my kiss. Several moments later, we broke apart. Mike looked at me bewildered.

"W-what was that?" he asked breathlessly.

I gave him a devious smirk and said, "Why don't we talk about it in the dressing room while everyone's still watching the concert?"

A part of me was saying I was using Mike just to get back at several people on my shit list. Another part of me was saying that I wanted this and that Mike undoubtedly had been wanting it for a long time. There was no time like the present. Again hand in hand, Mike and I walked to the empty dressing room.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was hit with random strings of inspirtation. I have like totally three different ideas that will twist the plot in so many ways it'll look like a Twizzler [which are awesome btw]. So, If I choose to go down those paths and depending on how the chapters turn out. This story will end around the forties, not sure when. And if that goes as planned, then there WILL be a sequel. Just hope I don't get other random spurs of inspiration.