Status: [COMPLETE]

Hold Your Breath

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Five venues later, I found myself somewhere in Texas. It's a tiring experience, being on tour and all. I don't think I'd ever be cut out for this life. It's too... demanding and... one sided. It's like you have to live only one sort of lifestyle to be on the road. I think life on the road is a constant party. Well, from watching Riley get drunk every other night, I'd like to say it pretty much is. I'm not a musician and I've found myself terribly tired from moving constantly.

"I don't know why you had to take me along. You could have chosen anyone else," complained the irritable boy that was laced in my arm.

I smiled up at the tall guy with sunglasses. We arrived a day early than scheduled and decided to split up to explore town. I chose Brendon to be my partner. The poor guy had to be dragged across town as I tried to decide where to go.

"Because you're the next best thing to a girl that I have on tour," I replied suddenly spying a store that I wanted to shop at.

"I don't know if I should be offended or not... Hey, don't think I'm going to pay for you and stuff because I'm the male here. Like you said, I'm the next best thing to a girl and I've never heard of girls taking friends to shopping to pay for them."

"Brendon, are you calling yourself a girl?"

"NO! That's not what I me-"

"Well, you have to be a girl to be exempted from the paying for me. Come on, I found the store I want to go into."

"Uh, Vic, that's a drugstore."

[Ryan's POV]
"Ryan," Sandy cooed as she held up yet another hand bag. It must have been the third one that she's bought with my money since we got here.

I mustered the best smile I could and nodded my head, "Right, just add it to the pile."

An hour later Sandy and I were still in the same store. I grumbled to myself. Shopping with a female was something only other females should be subjected to. Where had Brendon run off to? When I woke up he was already gone... and half the other guys were too. The ones who were left didn't want to tag along with Sandy and I. They had the right idea. Give a girl your wallet and its over. I should have stayed in the hotel.

I glanced out the window and spotted an odd sight. Two familiar figures were crossing the street into a drugstore. I blinked several times then glanced back at Sandy. It was now or never. If I just gave her my wallet I could leave... But... That could be a dangerous thing. She was busy enough. I'll just go over to scold Brendon for abandoning me then make way back here. That's it.

I shot up from my seat and plunged through the door before Sandy noticed I was missing. The cement was wet because it had rained lightly the night before. It gave off a nice clean smell and feeling in the air. My sneakers smacked wetly against it as I crossed the intersection and walked through the automatic doors.

Why are they in a drugstore? I thought to myself... Redbull I decided and started towards the section where the energy drinks were usually located. I had only begun to walk when two voices made me stop shortly and hide.

"Vic, how sure are you?"

"I have no clue Brendon! Hence the reason for me buying this."

"You mean me paying for you to have this ungodly invention."

I strolled down the aisle next to them so they wouldn't know I was there and listened to their conversation. What were the two quarreling about now?

"It's not ungodly! It's conventional and handy."

"Oh please, this... thing... is the reason why many guys across the nation ar-"

"Brendon, honestly."

"Brittany, honestly."

"You just had to go there?"

"Yes I did. You're being silly. You don't need me to buy that because you're on the pill."

I blinked several times. What the hell were they fighting over? At the sound of things, it sounded as if they were fighting over a pack of condoms. I shuddered at the thought. But why was Brendon being such a little girl?

"Brendon, I'm not on the pill. You retard! How could you possibly know that?!"

"Because EVERYONE'S on the pill."

"Everyone is not on the pill. You're being ridiculous. Please just buy this for me."

"FINE! Only because you're giving me those puppy dog eyes."

"Thanks Brendon. Um, when we get out of here... Can you come back to the hotel and test it with me?"

My eyes grew wide at this. Brendon and Vic were... cheating?! They were having an affair?! I couldn't stand this any longer. Mike deserved better than that and Brendon should know better. I never would imagine that Brendon would cheat with Vic. Especially since he knows I used to have a thing for her and she's... engaged.

Stomping loudly, I exited my aisle and marched down there's. Instantly surrounded by baby diapers, tampons, pads, deodorant, and other assorted self care items. Brendon had his head on Vic's shoulder, reading the instructions of the box she was holding.

"I can't believe you guys! How could you do that to Mike?! How can you jus-"

I stopped short when I got close enough to read the white and pink box Vic was holding in her hands. I switched my glance from the box then to hers. She stared at me like a deer stuck in headlights. I had just caught her red handed but not at what I believed she was doing. Brendon glared as he ushered Vic past me with the small box.

"Don't just go insinuating things, Ryan," he said harshly.

I didn't turn around to watch them leave. Instead, my eyes were glued on the other white and pink boxes that lined the shelves. Slowly, I walked over and took one in my hands.

A pregnancy test? I thought gravely to myself. Suddenly, I wished I had stayed with Sandy instead.