Status: [COMPLETE]

Hold Your Breath

Chapter Thirty

I think I must have sat there for a full two hours before moving. The clean ceramic toilet seat had become my foundation when I changed into a statue. That bare white bathroom was my moment of truth. Glancing at all three tests, the same result screamed at me over and over again. I wasn't sure what to feel. Happy? Mad? Sad? Upset?

"'Vic?! Are you still alive? I'm about to call the fire fighters to knock down this door if you don't answer me... Oh gosh, you'd didn't drown yourself in the toilet did you?! I'm calling 911!"

I glared at the locked door menacingly. It was probably a bad idea to get Brendon involved in this. He would spread it amongst the guys and that was something I wasn't ready yet.

"No, Brendon, I'm not dead. I'm here. I'm coming out," I said unenthusiastically as I lifted myself off the toilet and towards the door.

The door opened slowly and Brendon's frame took up the entire space. He looked at me with worried and concerned eyes.

"What's the verdict?" he asked seriously.

I held up one of the tests to show it to him. He took it curiously, "The plus sign is good right? That's means you're positive that you're not pregnant? Right."

I glared at Brendon, "No, you nutcase. That plus sign means I'm positive for bring pregnant. Positive means yes, preggers. Negative sign means, no preggers. I'm pregnant Brendon."

He looked at me in disbelief, "Wow... And here I thought you were vomiting because of the weird stuff we always put in your food."


Brendon gave a nervous laugh, "Oh, hahaaa... No one's told you yet? Oops..."

I gave a sigh, "You knew I've been vomiting?"

"Yeah, insomnia, remember?"

"Oh, right..." I said, "Uh Brendon. Could you just not mention this to anyone just yet?"

Brendon observed me for several seconds before giving his response, "Yeah OK Vic. It's your decision but I really don't see the need for you to hide it."

"Just, please, hold on. It's hard for you to understand."

"This doesn't have to do with Ryan? Does it?"

I looked at Brendon half filled with disgust and the other half with disbelief, "Why would it have anything to do with Ryan? It had nothing to do with Ryan. Ryan has no effect on me or this baby. Why would you even say that? He and his bimbo fiance can go screw themselves while I have this baby."

"What fiance?" Brendon asked confused.

I looked at Brendon with a tired expression, "Brendon, your 'i'll-play-dumb' tactic is getting really redundant and annoying. Sandy! You doof. Who else would I be talking about? Spencer?"

Brendon looked at me for a moment to process my words then made an understanding expression, "OH! that fiance. Oh yeah, yep. They're getting married alright. Don't let that affect you and your baby... cause you're right. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with you're baby."

"What baby?" asked a new voice.