Status: [COMPLETE]

Hold Your Breath

Chapter Thirty-Eiight

"You're an idiot, you know?"

"I know Brendon."

"Not just for getting drunk but for starting this mess."

"I know Brendon."

"You have to apologize to him."

"I KNOW BRENDON," I glared a Brendon with an annoyed expession and knocked on Mike's hotel room door.

The door opened to reveal a very stressed and tired Mike Scott. He gave me a pained expression and did not let me in. We both stood looking at each other in silence. Brendon poked my back.

"Mike, I just wanted to apologize for everything," I said sincerely.

He simply nodded and waited for anything else I had to say. I took a deep breath and began my confession, "I do, I mean I did, have feelings for Vic. Even when I first met you two back in Lemon Grove."

Mike's face faltered and I began to feel like this was a bad idea. But I had to let him know.

"You idiot," Brendon muttered quietly behind me as he smacked his palm against his forehead.

"And when you two fought and didn't talk for a long period time, I did start to flirt with her."

Mike's hands visibly began to form into fists. Little trails of sweat started to run down my neck, I tried to my stop myself but my mouth kept moving.

"And I did sleep with her."

"Alright, Ryan I think its time we go now," Brendon said putting a hand on my shoulder and trying to pull me away. But I shrugged it away. I turned back to face Mike only to have a fist plant itself in my face. Brendon caught me before I fell to the ground.

"You asshole!" Mike screamed at me, "You.. You're... despicable."

And with that, the door slammed in my face.

"You're an idiot, you know?" Brendon said pulling me to my feet.

I sighed, "I know Brendon, I know."
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Two chapters left.