Breaking His Hold

chapter one

(Tabitha's P.O.V.)
Have you ever had so much hatred for someone, that you don't even wish death upon them anymore. You just go on with your life as if they never existed. Well I have, and his name is Oscar Cabbia, I also know him as father...
As I woke up to the all to common yells of my father, i thought to myself
“here it goes again”.
I quickly got dressed(wearing my Slipknot shirt,black pants,studded belt,and my handy dandy converse)and sneaked out the back door so I wouldn't have to deal with my father so early in the morning.
“hey Tabs” I heard a familiar voice,as I entered the school.
“hey Meghan”I smiled my famous fake smile towards her. Meghan is my best friend,with her black shortish hair put to the side,she was gorgeous, but she'd never think so.
“so hows it going Tabby?”she asked.
Horrible, “good and you?”
“alright ,can't complain”
of course you can't complain your not living my life”well thats good”
before she could ask me another pointless question i was saved by the bell,
“yes” i thought to myself.
It was fourth period and it felt like the teacher would never stop her lecturing so I couldn't help but fall asleep. Out of nowhere the teacher slammed her book on my desk,
she began to ask “Is their something better you can be doing Tabitha?”
“actually yes there is Mrs. Renyolds, i could be learning how to make teachers Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” Which was clearly meant towards her
Even with how good that felt to do,I sill don't think that was enough to earn myself a re-feral.
As I reached the office door I noticed a tall,slender guy his hair was to the side but spiked at the top,showing off his amazingly gorgeous blue eyes and he was wearing an Iron Maiden shirt, black pants, converse,along with a piercing under the middle of his bottom lip,I've got to say he was pretty damn sexy,but i knew him to be the the player type. When i saw him though,it was as if nothing mattered anymore only him, I forgot about,work,but most importantly my father.
As I walked through the doors to turn in my re-feral,I quickly stole a glance towards the mysterious guy. The strange thing though,he was already looking in my direction.

(Jimmy's P.O.V.)
I sat in the office chair,waiting for those stupid ass teachers to finish my schedule. As I was thinking on how this school would be different,I noticed a girl wearing a slipknot shirt,black pants,and she had her lip pierced on the right side,walk into the office. As I looked at her i thought,if all the girls looked like that, then i think I'm going to like it here at Huntington.

(Tabitha's P.O.V.)
“Hi, I'm Jimmy” I looked up to see who was talking to me, I noticed it was that mysterious guy. “well thats nice,how long did it take you to learn that?”I asked him,while still feeling angry about the re-feral,but their was something different,the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy but no way I'd let him know that.
“not that long... I just moved here last weak”Jimmy said, but before i could answer the receptionist had to open her big fucking mouth.
“Ms. Cabbia” I looked towards her and she motioned for me to go over to her desk. I walked over their without looking back.
“here's your pass back to class,now please don't cause anymore chaos Ms. Cabbia”I turned away rolling my eyes,heading for the door when Jimmy said “hey I never got your name” i replied with “you never asked”,i didn't want to get attached knowing that everyone eventually leaves me,especially guys like him who i bet think they can have any girl out their, so i left it at that.

(Jimmy's P.O.V.)
As I watched her head to the door I realized I didn't get her name. I don't know why but for some reason i just had to know.”hey i never got your name”she looked at me as if she was searching for something though, she just couldn't find.
“you never asked”she said,and with that she was out the door. I was left their dumbfounded,starring at the door.
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this is my fist story,tell me what you think..please.