Breaking His Hold

Chapter Two

(Tabitha's P.O.V.)
Its been a couple of days since the incident with Jimmy and to say the least I'm glad i didn't get to know him. Its just one less person who will leave or hurt me,just like my father has.
As i made my way to the school, i noticed my group of friends hanging out by the old tree. I walked over their and quickly greeted everyone.
“hey Matt,Brian,Zacky,Johnny,and Meghan”
“hey Tabs”they all said at the same time as Meghan came to give me hug.
Meghan is probably the only one I've ever been close to,one i can trust not to leave,but if she ever found out my secret would she stay?
As we pulled apart from hugging, I saw Matt motioning for someone to come over. Which is odd considering most people are either scared of us or think were just straight up losers,which i have no problem with, i personally hate all those conceded bitches who think their better than the rest of us.
I decided to put my backpack down seeing as how we still had five minutes to the bell, when i heard all the guys say “Jimmy”. I thought “theirs plenty of guys named Jimmy” so i turned around not thinking to much of it when i came in contact with Jimmy's piercing blue eyes. I quickly looked away so i wouldn't get lost in them.
“hey Meghan”Brian said and she quickly looked at him(i could tell she liked,him even though she would never admit it to me)
“Tabitha,this is Jimmy we meet him the other day,he's new here”Brian said to both of us.
“nice to meet you guys”Jimmy said smirking at me. That just got me mad, i hate it when people think they figured something out and the whole world should stop and concentrate on them.
“ditto”Meghan said
“so your names Tabitha, I would have figured it out eventually”Jimmy said,smirking once again at me.
“well its not fucking rocket science,congratulations”i said sarcastically,while applauding him.
Meghan nudged my side and whispered “god,your such a smart ass!”
“wait,you guys know each other?”Brain asked with confusion written all over his and the other guy's faces.
“well you could say that...we meet in the office the other day”Jimmy said
“oh so thats the cu.....”I quickly wrapped my hand over Meghan's mouth and gave her an evil glare.
I mean its bad enough hes all cocky he doesn't need to know i just might think hes...cute.
“I thinks its time we go..right Meghan?”I looked at her and she nodded her head
“yeah the bells about to ring,can't be late to math class”she said,knowing i would tell her everything in their.
“by guys see you at lunch”i gave them each a quick hug except for Jimmy and waited for Meghan,seeing as how she was taking her time on hugging Brian,then eventually the other guys except for Jimmy,seeing as how they just met,she just gave a simple wave.
“bye guys,see ya' later”Meghan said,and we were off to math class,lucky me...
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