Breaking His Hold

Chapter Four

(Meghan's P.O.V.)

I walked into my science class, with one thought consuming my mind,Brian Haner. I sat in the back of the classroom waiting,better yet knowing, that Brian would soon walk in and take his seat next to me like always. As soon as he walked in, i felt the butterflies in my stomach come to life,wishing they would go away. Brian spotted me and gave a wave and a little smirk to go along with it, i felt as if my insides melted every time he did that.
“hey Meghan, i see we have another boring day of science to get through” Brian said as looked towards the board,once taking his seat.
“yeah,but at least theres a lab today,so it wont be THAT boring” i said, trying not to make eye contact knowing i could never look away.
“i can't argue with you on that”Brian laughed.”So your gonna be my partner, right?” Brian asked,already dragging me to our lab table.
“well i don't think i have a choice, now do I” I said,knowing fully well i wouldn't say no to him anyway.
“Of course you don't”Brian smirked,and went to go get our goggles and aprons for the lab. I got finished tying my apron, when i saw Brian struggling to tie his own.
“Do you need help with that Brian?”i asked, with a smile escaping my lips. He turned around with a slight blush coating his cheeks.
“yeah,could you tie it for me?”
“sure”I said and tied it for him,but i couldn't help but notice he had a nice ass.
“their you go Brian,all done”
“Now that your done checking me out we can finally start this lab”Brian said with a smirk. I quickly blushed a bright red and started to defend myself
“I wasn't,your the one who asked me to tie-”i was interrupted with Brian laughing and saying
“chill Meghan i was you can look at me all you want” I quickly looked up to see him smiling down at me. Could that mean maybe Brian did like me,and not just as a friend. I decided i would test that theory right now.
“Oh really,and why is that” i asked,trying to come across as if i had no idea what he was talking about.
“thats for me to know and for you to find out, little miss noisy”i stood their staring at the table,maybe he didn't feel the same way. I laughed trying to play it off and grabbed the paper and began to read the instructions for the lab,but was interrupted when Brian said
“Meghan,can i ask you a question”
“why not, go ahead” i told him
“umm,well i was wondering if you would like to go out with me,like tomorrow or something?”
As I stood their shocked,just looking at him, I noticed his face slowly changed to one of disappointment.

(Brian's P.O.V.)
I couldn't believe i had just asked Meghan that, I mean yeah I've liked her for quite some time,but what if she didn't feel the same. Telling by her reaction i don't think she did, and that got me a little sad,but i wasn't about to let her know that. I quickly told her
“but if you don't want to, thats fine, its not like you have to come-”as i kept rambling on Meghan looked as if she was going to laugh.
“Brian, maybe if you would stop talking, you would know that I do wanna go out with you”Meghan said, trying not to laugh.

(Meghan's P.O.V.)
I couldn't help but laugh at Brian, he looked so cute when he was nervous. I was just so excited that he actually asked me out. But that soon changed as he looked at me and began to say
“i knew you couldn't resit this”while he motioned to himself, with a smirk permanently attached to his face. I just rolled my eyes, and thought to myself,asking Brian out was easier then i thought, he practically did all the work. I laughed to myself and began working on the lab, with Brian's help of course
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I know this chapter didn't involve Jimmy, but the next chapter will, trust me.