Breaking His Hold

Chapter Five

(Tabitha's P.O.V.)
I knew it. I thought to myself as I sat in the back of my English class,hoping it would end soon.
Meghan had told me Brian asked her out.

*(Flash Back)*
“Tabitha” I heard someone call out rather urgently. I turned around only to come face to face with a very excited Meghan,in a very crowded hallway.
“Woah Meghan, calm down” I had to laugh for she had the funniest look on her face.
“You'll never guess what happened” Meghan said.
“Well if I'll never guess,i think you should tell me” I replied.
“Well....Brianaskedmeout” although she said this rather fast,i understood everything she had just said, and a smile gently found its way on my face
“Shocker” I told her sarcastically, i always knew they would end up together.
*(End Flash Back)*

I was very happy for Meghan, Brian is a good guy and i know he will treat her right,I mean hes had a crush on her since freshmen year.
I looked at the clock above the teachers desk, and was disappointed that their was still thirty minutes left. Just great I'm going to die of boredom before Meghan even goes on her date. I slowly dropped my head on the desk. I hated this class, I had none of my good friends in here.

I heard the door open and the shuffling of the teachers feet,but didn't bother looking up. The teacher then announced that we had a new student transferring from a different English class.
“students please listen we have a new student joining us” i still had my head down on my desk,not finding what she had to say very interesting, that is until she said
“his name is James Sullivan” and with that my head went flying up, this could not be happening. I looked towards the teacher and their he was,none other then Jimmy. I watched him as he told the teacher something.
“Oh I'm sorry, you'd like to be called Jimmy” the teacher asked.
“yeah” he replied.
Oh shit,oh sit. I quickly looked around praying their was another empty seat besides the one by me.
“okay, well go sit in the only empty seat, Tabitha move your stuff so he may sit down” the teacher asked,but by then i was in shock,was this guy some kind of stalker or what? This cannot get any worse!

I moved my stuff, without looking away from the front of the class room. Jimmy started to make his way towards the seat next to me,with a giant smirk on his face. I was now mad. He sat next to me and I put my head on my desk once again.
“Hey Tabitha, I didn't know this was your class” i looked up at him, and almost got lost in his beautiful eyes.
“well now you do” I told him rather rudely. Note to self: don't make eye contact with Jimmy!
“So Tabs,you like Guns N' Roses Huh” Jimmy said,trying to start a conversation. I gave him a stupid look,i mean I'm only wearing a Guns N' Roses shirt.
“No I don't Jimmy, I just wear this shirt because i like how the black mixes with more black” I told him,while walking to get the bathroom pass. I couldn't stay in this class any longer,I had to get away.

I walked around the many halls until i noticed their was only five minutes of class left. I walked back to the class room, everyone seemed quiet while working on something. I gave the teacher her pass back and she gave me an ugly look that i returned right back at her.
“You were gone a long time,did you forget where the bathrooms are again?” The teacher asked me.
“No, I actually forgot where your room was. Nice guess though” I told her,while grinning. The bell finally rang, signaling the end of this class.
“Kids don't forget to work on your project with your partner,have a nice day” the teacher told the kids who weren't listening,but focusing on getting out of her class.

“What do you mean project and partner?” I asked her.
“Well maybe if you were in class you would know” she told me giving me a stern look “maybe you should ask your partner” she told me.
“Who's my partner”I asked a bit annoyed.
“Jimmy said you and him were partners” the teacher told me. I quickly looked towards my now shared desk with Jimmy,but he was already gone.

This is great,It just got worst. I grabbed my bag and stormed out of her classroom.
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Sorry it took so long to update,I just haven't been inspired lately.
Comments = updates faster :)
This is for Amanda cause im nice