Hollow Words

Answer the Phone

“You’re late.” Matt said as I walked back to the van.

“Oh shut up. It was only five songs.” Because The Boardwalk was also a bar, it closed at midnight, leaving only so much room for sets.

“Either way, it had cut into my ‘me time’.” He used air quotes as he walked to the driver’s side and opened the door.

“What about your masturbation time?” Adam asked from the back. Matt stopped before starting the van and glared at him.

“Let’s just go.” I climbed in between Adam and Wendy. “I am worn out and need my beauty sleep.”

“Like that will work.” Henry scoffed from the front seat. I slapped him in the back of the head.

“Thanks a lot Hinny!” I sat back and looked out of the window as we pulled out of the parking lot.

“Wake up!” I screamed as Adam’s face appeared before my unsuspecting eyes.

“WHAT!?” I asked him as I sat up quickly.

“It is time for you to wake up! Do you remember what day it is?” He asked, sitting down on the bed.

“Um…” I was in no mood for a pop quiz. “Monday?” I shook my head knowing that that was most definitely the wrong answer. He grabbed a pillow and smacked me in the head.

“NO! We record today!” He jumped up on the bed and bounced happily. I, on the other hand, fell back into my coma like state. “JAN!” He yelled in my ear. I shot right back up.

“STOP IT!” I threw a pillow at him.

“Good. Now that you’re awake…get dressed.” He ran to my dresser and opened the top drawer. He turned slightly, a smirk on his face. “Lookie what I found!” He pulled out a lacy pair of undies. I sighed.

“Adam, you have been here before.” His smile left his face and he threw the pair back into the drawer.

“Fine then, don’t play along.” He pulled out a normal pair of panties and a bra and threw them at me. He went one more drawer down and got a back t-shirt and a pair of my plain jeans. “Get your ass dressed. We leave in an hour.” I smiled thankfully and as he made his way out of the door, gave him birdie which he returned as he closed the door.
“Much better.” Adam said as he looked at me from the couch. I had put the clothes he gave me on but added my black hoodie and my makeup was now applied. My hair was done up in a pony tail with my signature red head band holding up stray hair pieces. “Where is Bleeker? I looked for him, but I could find him.”

“Bleek is in his room.” I said.

“His room? You actually gave your bass a room?” He looked around the small one bedroom apartment for anyplace Bleeker could be.

“Yes.” I walked over to the small closet by the bathroom and pulled out my man. “Are you ready?” I asked Adam as I placed Bleeker over my head and on my shoulder.

“I was waiting on you your majesty.” He walked to the front door and bowed.

“Why thank you kind sir.” I walked out the door and to his car.


“I CAN’T believe we are here!” Wendy said as we entered the small studio.

“I know! This is AMAZING!” I agreed.

“Alright party people! Let’s get this show on the road!” Matt said, running into the room that held all our instruments. The rest of us followed quickly behind.

2 hours later we had three songs done.

“I am ready for a drink.” I said.

“To Jamba Juice!” Adam sang.

“Fine, but I think we should still be working…” Matt wined.

“Oh, shut up. We have plenty of time to grab a drink.” I said as I walked out.

We began our four block walk to Jamba Juice.

“I want 5…” I looked at the board, knowing full well what I wanted. “Strawberry Wilds with extra ice.” The man behind the register nodded and asked for my name. “Butterfinger.” I said, straight faced. He looked at me then quickly entered it into the system.

“Hey Jan!” Wendy called from one of the tables.


“Can I answer your phone?” I instinctively looked for it in my pockets but then looked back at Wendy who held the buzzing cell in her hand.

“Throw it to me.” I said holding out my hands. She did as she was told, and miraculously, I caught it. “Hello?”

“Miss Janis Hawkins?” A male’s voice asked.

“This is she.”

“This is Kent Phillips from DecayDance…” My mouth dropped and the whole room became quiet.
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Quiestions? Comments? xP