Hollow Words


“…You want to hear…us?” I asked; my voice shaky. Kent laughed on the other end of the phone while I stared blankly at the wall.

“I would enjoy that, yes. Now, when is your next show?” I tried to talk, but nothing came out, my mouth just moved up and down rapidly until finally a squeak emerged from throat. I coughed and remembered where I was and who I was talking to.

“Well, we know the guy who um, owns a local venue; we could set something up for say…next Friday?” I ran my fingers through my pony tail.

“Sounds great.” He said. “I will call later for more information…”

“If you don’t mind me asking…” I interrupted, probably not the best time for such things, but I needed to know… “How did you hear about us?”

“One of the guys from The Hush Sound recommended you.” He said. I moved my mouth in an ‘O’ form; not really knowing what else to do.

“Butterfinger!” The man yelled from the counter. I blushed immediately.

“What was that?” Kent asked.

“Um, me and the guys are at Jamba Juice and um…I guess someone decided to be funny!” I laughed nervously.

“Well, I will call you later. Bye.” He said.

“Bye.” I said softly as he hung up on the other line. I stared at my phone while everyone else stared at me.

“Soo?!?!” Wendy asked. “Who was that?!”

“A Mr. Kent Phillips.” I regained my confidence after the whole incident ran through my mind and made itself at home.

“Who is that?” Adam asked.

“I heard something about a venue…” Matt added.

“WE my good gentle men and…lady…are going to be performing for Kent Phillips from DecayDance, next Friday night.” I turned and walked to the counter, grabbing the tray full of cups.

“You aren’t serious…” Henry asked, taking his cup.

“Of course I am! I wasn’t having a conversation with myself!”

“Oh…My…GOD!” Wendy jumped up and down. “Do you know how…this is soooo….OH MY GOD!”

“Do you think we are ready?” Matt, the worry wart, chewed on his straw.

“I think we are.” Adam answered. “I mean, think about it. We caught SOMEONES attention; we have to be pretty decent right?”

“Right. So, we are going to need to bring our ‘A’ game come Friday, got it?” I said.

“OH MY GOD!” Wendy continued.

“Shit.” Matt said, glancing at his watch. “We gotta go. I am NOT paying an arm and a leg for that studio for us to sit around all day at a Jamba Juice.”

“That is a wrap for today fellas.” Wendy said, pulling Betty off from her shoulders while I did the same with Bleeker.

“My place? Pizza and a movie? To celebrate that is.” I said.

“Fine, but as long as WE get to pick the movie.” Adam put his arms around both Matt and Henry’s shoulders.

“No! Last time you guys got some…PORNO!” Wendy yelled.

“It was NOT a porno!” Henry defended. “It was a movie ABOUT pornos. There is a difference.”

“Alright, you guys can pick but let’s keep it rated ‘R’ or less k?” I said.

“You’re no fun.” Adam pouted.

“I am just trying to make everyone happy.” I grabbed Adam’s keys and went to the door. “I am taking your car Adam since you want to go get that movie.” I smiled and stuck out my tongue as I left the room. “WENDY LET’S GO!” I yelled from the hall.

“COMING!” She yelled back and was at my side by the time we were nearing the car.

“I say we go get some Little Caesars!” Wendy exclaimed.

“I agree.” I opened the car and got in, putting the keys in the ignition. “What the-“ I couldn’t believe it; Adam had stolen my Karate High School cd and had it blasting through his speakers. I laughed to myself and drove out of the parking lot and to Little Caesars.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yet ANOTHER filler, but it is good stuff....
I mean COME ON! These characters are PRICELESS!
I hope you are enjoying this, I mean, I COULD rush it...but I am enjoying it at the pace it is going...

Now...FOR BED!!!

quiestions? comments? secret love notes?