Hollow Words

What Lies Behind Tinted Windows


“Please Oliver?” I wined on the phone.

“I told you, I have other bands, and I can’t just…KICK THEM OFF.”

“You don’t understand! Please?”

“I mean sorry…” With that, Oliver hung up. I couldn’t help it; tears found a way to escape from my eyes as I slammed my phone shut.

“What happened?” Wendy asked.

“He said no! Oliver, our one and only hope, SAID NO!” I stood up and began pacing.

“Shit!” Adam kicked the couch’s corner.

“What the HELL are we gunna tell that Kent guy?” Henry asked.

“Did he say…where…the show had to be?” Matt asked me.

“No…” I had flown my self on the couch face first so my voice was muffled.

“WELL THEN!” Matt said excitedly. “I have a garage AND WE have the amps!” He jumped up and down. It hit me.

“THAT JUST MIGHT WORK! MATT! YOU’RE A GENIUS!” I said jumping up and running over to him.

“I know…I get that all the time-“ I pulled him into a giant hug, cutting off his air supply.
The garage was set up how we usually set up for The Boardwalk and other gigs; minus the giant amps that they had for such occasions, but we could deal with the ones we have.

“THERE’S HIS CAR!” Wendy yelled as a yellow Porsche drove up to the house. The rest of us just stared at the car while she began hyperventilating.

The man opened the door. He was wearing a white button up shirt and a pair on black pants. His hair was short and jelled so it looked slightly messed up.

“Hollow Words?” He asked. We all nodded well, all of us but Wendy who decided to scream ‘Yes.’ He laughed and walked up to us. I couldn’t help but notice another dark figure sitting inside the tinted car. “Hello, I am Kent Phillips and you are?” He walked over to Matt his hand held out for a shake which Matt accepted.

“Matt Dawson. This is…” Matt walked over to Adam. “Adam Riley. Those two,” He pointed to Wendy and Henry, “Are Henry and Wendy Carter and then this is Janis Hawkins.” He then pointed to me.

“Aw yes, you’re the young lady I talked to on the phone.”

“I am. We apologize for the…’venue’” I used air quotations. He laughed deep within his chest.

“It’s fine. Now…you guys ready?” He took a seat on the chair we had brought out for him while we were setting up.

“Right…um…” Henry was nervous as he looked around for the microphone, finding it over on the dryer that was next to the door that led into the house. “We are going to start off with ‘The Secret the Ceiling Holds.”

That was…THE BEST we have ever done on the song. I don’t know if it was because I wasn’t expecting much or because we really kicked ass, but that rocked!

“Next.” Kent said, barley moving the entire time.

“Um, this next one is called…Killer Sweet.”

Again, AMAZING! I knew know that it wasn’t because I wasn’t expecting much but it WAS because we were really doing a great job! As I played I would look over to Wendy who would look at me with a smile spread wide across her face. SHE KNEW IT TOO!

“Well…” Kent said. “I have to go talk to someone quickly and I will be back with my out decision. He got off his chair and walked back to the car, cell phone in hand. A sigh of relief swept over our small crowd.

“COME ON GUYS!” Wendy said. “I think we did AWESOME!”

“Me too! Matt, you kept the beat like never before!” I said. “And Henry drinking all of that honey really helped your voice!”

“My voice has always been amazing…you just noticed it because the honey made it even smooth and delicious to your ears.” I rolled my eyes.

“Whatever!” I said. There was a cough coming from the entrance of the garage. Leaning on the frame of the garage door, wasn’t Kent. Instead, it was Pete Wentz. We all fell silent.

“I think Kent…” He said turning to face the man who that now stood by his side. “That we should sign them before someone else does.”

“What…” Wendy said; her voice low.

“You’re not…joking…are you?” Matt asked; his voice was raspy do to lack of oxygen.

“Bob and Greta really like you guys. We trusted their judgment, and have decided to take you under our wing.” Kent said, as Pete stood silently. “But it won’t be easy… You may have a lot of heart ache and pain.”

“We understand…” Henry said.

“So, when do you want to leave?” Pete asked.

“TOMORROW!” Wendy shouted.

“How about…Sunday…it gives us a day to get ready.” Matt said.

“Sounds good.” Kent finished. “Pleasure to meet you all and I can’t wait to see you again in L.A. Your ticket information will be sent to you tonight.” He said. I had forgotten about giving him my email, not that it was such a bad thing.

They left.

“Amazing!” Wendy said.

“Yep…it’s amazingly amazing! L.A. HERE WE COME!!!” I said as we all shouted in agreement.
♠ ♠ ♠
another filler :( BUT THE GOOD STUFF IS A-COMING!
Don't you worry...but while you wait...
You should read The Boulder City Hotel.

Yet another Panic story my friend and I co-wrote. Then, once that is done, L.A. is For Sinner is the sequal...read that one too.

xD thanks for reading!
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