Misery Business

Everyone was kung fu fighting!

“Sorry,” He shrieked and scrambled away from the fire.

"Idiot," I laughed as Kevin tackled me to the ground and kissed my cheek hard. "Aw what did I do to deserve such punishment?"

"For kissing you're bestie!"

“Yeah, now go kiss yours,” I groaned as Kevin pounced on Brendon.

"No!" Brendon screamed as he threw Kevin off and ran to the tent whining. "Leave me alone!"

"Aw," Kevin laughed. "He can so not understand the concept, can he?"

“He likes you,” Jack explained. “Give him some time.”

"Its so weird," I mumbled shaking my head. "Gay best friends…"

"I'm bi," Kevin said softly. "I like girls and boys."

“And we love you all the same, Kevin,” I reached up and hugged him tight.

"Aw, thank you," he giggled as he hugged me to the ground. "Now, can Kevvy have a kissy?"

"Nope," I shook my head.

“Brendon!’ Kevin whined. “I want a kiss!”

"Fuck off!" Brendon shouted from the tent, rather grumpily.

"So I'm guessing that's a no," Kevin said slowly as he turned to me, I nodded slowly.

"I would think so."

"But Brendon!' Kevin whined.

"But nothing," Brendon snapped as he poked his head from the tent and laughed lightly. "I'm not kissing you again."

"But you kissed me this morning!"

"I was curious!" he shouted throwing his arms out. "I'll never kiss a man again, Keegan come here!"


"Get over here or I'll drown you in you're sleep," he threatened.

"Aw man," I whined getting up.

"What do you need Keeg for?" Jack asked.

"Something," Brendon mumbled as I walked over and stood in front of him. "Don't kill me."

"Why would I—" I stopped when he pulled me into a kiss.


"What?" Kevin poked his head out of the tent which he went in moments ago, his jaw dropping. "I thought you liked me! Brendon!

"Yeah, as a friend," Brendon shook his head frantically as he looked down at me. "You too Keeg, I just needed to kiss a girl."

“Well, did you have to kiss me?!”

"Yeah," he said slowly as he nodded his head at the same rate. "It was mandatory."

"It was? Are you sure?"

“Well, not necessarily.”

"Not necessarily you're sure or not necessarily you didn't have to kiss me?" I questioned tilting my head at him.


“You know what?” I held up my hand. “Don’t even try, I don’t want to know.”

"Good, I'm not even sure myself," he grinned as I walked over to Jack.

"We're leaving tomorrow," I pouted my lip. "And who knows what my brother has done."

“Won’t it be fun finding out?” Jack grinned.

"No because its my house, my brother, my stuff he's probably trashed," I whined.

“True,” he sighed and kissed my temple.

"Not good," I whined laying my head on his shoulder, he rubbed my back for the longest time before someone curled up to my back. "Who?"
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