Misery Business

Count me in.

"Not as much as I," Jack laughed as he kissed my lips softly.

"You love me?"

"Like a friend, of course," He whispered. "But maybe something more."

"Ah you've done stole my heart Jack Daniels," I grinned holding my hand over my heart. "I love you as a friend too and maybe someday more."


"Just maybe," I smiled as Kevin nearly ran slap into me. "What the hell Kevin?"

"He's doing the deed, he's uh, upstairs," he pointed up. "I'm kind of scarred."

“Oh,” I nodded slowly. “Good.”

"Not good! Scarred remember?" he shouted pointing to his head. "Scarred!"

“You’ll be fine,” I patted his head.

"No I won't," he whined as he laid his head on my shoulder. "Make me feel better."


“Kiss,” He looked up to me and puckered his lips.

"God you guys are nuts," I grumbled pushing his forehead away from my face. "Go away."



"Ass," he mumbled as he walked off towards the middle of the party floor, I looked at Jack and grinned.


"Want to go upstairs and talk, this noise is getting to me," I mumbled as he grinned. "Don't expect that boy, I'm not giving it up that easily."


"I said no," I sighed again.

"Alright," he mumbled as he grabbed my hand and walked us up the stairs, passed the locked door that sounds that scare the shit out of me came from. "Ew."

"Sounds gross," I grunted.

"It is gross."

"No, really?" I faked shock as I held my chest. "I had no idea!"

"You are so mean," Jack grinned. "I love it!"

"I know!" I grinned back.

"Now what?" Jack smiled as he opened the bedroom door open and let me in, and then sat down with me.

"Now we wait," I smirked.

“Are we just gonna sit here?” Jack whispered looking down to his hands then back to my face.

"We're not having sex, Jack, I believe we need two dates before that happens," I whispered back with a smile.

"Sounds reasonable," he kissed my ear and smiled.

“Good,” I nodded in agreement.

"But what do we fill the time with," he interrupted the silence again with a frown.

"Kissing never hurt anyone."

“Are you sure?” He pushed his forehead on mine and breathed heavily.

"Don't push you're luck," I whispered kissing his lips softly.

"Did you get it?" I questioned as Tyler walked into the room Jack and I were in.

"Yes," he grimaced and threw his camcorder at me.

“Thanks,” I smiled warmly at him.

"You owe me," he pointed and the grinned. "Now the terms."

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