Misery Business

Days Like These

"Oh this is going to be good," I smiled as I leaned against Kevin. "I bet she runs out crying."

"I bet she walks out smug," Kevin smiled.

"Let's watch, shall we?"

"We shall," he linked his arm with mine and turned to watch.

"We're over," Reegan shouted. "Over."

"But Reeg!" She shouted.

"Keegan warned me about you," Reegan shook his head. "Damn I can't believe I didn't listen to my own sister."

"What?" Kevin and I said at the same time.

"Is he-"


"Oh God," I nodded slowly as I watched him turn to me.

"I'm sorry Keegan, you were right about this, slut," he glanced at Eli and grimaced.

"I-Uh-" I mumbled. "Huh?"

"Just say thank you," Reegan said slowly as he leaned against my desk. "Say Thank you Reegan."

"Thank you Reegan," I said slowly.

"You're welcome."

I turned to Kevin.

"What just happened?"

"I believe you're brother just accepted you back as family," Kevin said wide eyed. "Whoda thunk it."


"Never mind," Kevin said slowly as he patted my shoulder. "We'll thank Tyler now."


"That was so strange," He shook his head.

"You have no idea," I whined as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Hey Keegan," Reegan ran out after me, I turned and looked up at him in shock.


"I wanted to... Apologize.

"Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?" I asked slowly.

"Even though you may not believe it, I do love you," he sighed. "Thanks."

"For what?" I asked softly.

"You know what," he smirked.

"Um," I shrugged. "Sure?"

"You got the video from Tyler, I know you're friends," he smiled.

"You can tell?"

"I can tell," He nodded slowly.



"I didn't know you knew," I shrugged my shoulders. "Now I do."

"Oh," he mumbled. "See ya at home, I guess."

"I guess so," I smiled as he went to walk away, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back into a hug. "I missed you."

"Yeah," he grumbled as he hugged mostly my head. "I missed you too, I guess."

"Good to know."

"Bye," he pulled away and walked off down the hallway; I turned around and grinned at Kevin.

"Weird," we both said before we walked down the hallway on the opposite side.
♠ ♠ ♠

Hey, did I ever show you what Reegan looked like? If not tell me and i'll slow you.

But I won't post anymore until I get three comments.