Misery Business


"Jack, who the hell invited Jack," I whispered.

"Um," Reegan looked around. "No one."

"Reegan, I told you no. You swore, it’s the whole reason I came back," I was near crying.

"I-I- Keeg, I-"

"Save it," I growled.

"Please don't be upset with me, Jack begged me to just have five minutes with you," Reegan held his hands out. "Five minutes is all he gets, I swear."

"Well then hurry up," i turned to glare at Jack, who whimpered.

"I want you to know, I love you very much and I never meant to hurt you. But listen, I thought Eli was you, she had turned off the lights when she came in, I was waiting for you that's why I was in the bedroom. Someone said you wanted me up there, Frank did."

"Frank!" I raised my one arm dramatically. "I knew it!"

"And, when I got up there I laid down and rested, waiting for you. The door opened and it sounded like you, you said keep your eyes closed; I have a surprise for you. And…well you understand the rest I'm sure."

"Enlighten me."


"Just tell me, damnit!"

"I had sex with her okay? I didn't know it until I heard your voice, I had two beers but I wasn't drunk, I don't know how I didn't realize it wasn't you."

"Jack..." I whispered. "I don't know if I can believe you."

"You have too," he whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too but," I whispered and shook my head. "I can't trust a cheater."

"Keeg, please."

"Please go away," I wanted to cry again, hard and long for two more weeks.

"Please, Keegan," He almost cried. "Give me a chance..."

"Why should I?" I whispered as I stared at him, I wanted to forgive him but just couldn't.

"Because I love you..."

"Jack," I shook my head.

"Just please let me talk to you."

"No..." I shook my head. "No, no..."

"Guys," he looked at each of the boys and their girlfriends. "Can I speak with Keegan alone?"

"I don't know," Reegan stood up and glanced over at me, then back to Jack. "I think this is a bad idea, Jack."

"No! Please! You have to let me!"

"Not right now," Reegan walked outside with Jack, talking to him about how bad of a time it was for me right now.

"Thanks for helping me out, you guys."

"Your welcome," Brendon beamed a warming smile.

"I was being sarcastic," I grumbled as I grabbed my bag and stomped up the stairs to my room. "Assholes."

After an hour soak in the tub, thinking things through.

Fourteen New Messages my cell phone blared as I walked into my room and pushed one.

"Keegan, please..." It was Jack. "Pick up your phone."

"Nope," I grumbled as I reached down and pulled off the towel on my head, letting the hair hang loosely at my shoulders, then I sat down and pushed two.

"Keegan, I know I've been an asshole, just give me a chance to explain."


"Keeg, please. I love you..."

At that, I picked up the phone and called him back. "Hello…"