Misery Business


"If you loved me, how could you screw my brother's ex whore?" I screamed, even though I promised myself I wouldn't. "How can I believe you Jack? You were my best friend."

"Because it was an honest mistake," He kept his composure.

"Honest mistake, honest mistake my ass. Are you so blind you couldn't tell it was me kissing you, or me taking your clothes off, or the fact the day before I said I wouldn't have sex with you yet!"

"I-I-I thought-"

"Whatever," I grunted. Typical male.

"Please, I'll never do it again. Keegan I love you," he was now starting to cry.

"I don't care about your empty promises."

"They aren't empty," he cried out. "Keegan, please I'll do anything."

"I..." I looked down to my feet. "I can't believe you."

"Let me show you."


I can't believe I came here, I can't believe I gave him a hint of a chance. I need to leave, I need to run away again, I need to—shit he's here. "Keegan," he whispered as he walked over to me.

"Jack," I said stiffly.

"Keegan, please listen to me."

"Make it quick," I looked away from him. "I don't want to be here."

"I know, I know," he whispered as he reached his hand out and grabbed my hand. "I brought Eli, so she could tell you."

"You didn't," I growled as Eli walked out from behind the arched doorway, frowning.

"Keeg, I-"

"Shut the fuck up, you whore," I whispered softly

"I didn't come here to be called a whore, I came here to say that he didn't have a clue it was me," she sneered and glanced at Jack. "To my disappointment."

"I don't believe you."

"Then watch this," she shoved a CD in my hand. "I decided to turn the tables on you, I had sex with your boyfriend and video taped it for telling on me to Reegan, that should show you your proof."

"I-Uh," I made a face of disgust at the disc. "I'm not sure I wanna watch this."

"First five minutes is all you have to watch," he took a deep breath and looked at Eli with a glare.

"I... Okay..." I whispered and popped the DVD into Jack's player.

"Just—watch please," Jack pleaded as I grimaced at the beginning of the tape, which was Eli setting the tape up, then it went straight to Jack being pushed on the bed, and Eli kissing him. Even though it didn't look like Eli, it was to dark to tell.

"Oh, I love you, Keegan," Jack whispered.

"I love you, too, Jack," Eli said in a low, raspy tone.

I turned around, ignoring the pleading look on Jack's face and stared at Eli, at first I just wanted to scream at her but my anger, which I got from Reegan at a young age worked around the caring side of me and reached out to punch Eli square in the jaw, as soon as my hand connected to her face, I heard the crunch and squeal. "I hate you, Eli."

"I know," She said, blood dripping from her chin.

"As long as you live, I hope you remember how you ruined everything for me," I ran my hands through my hair, feeling the blood from my own hand wound laying in my red hair.

"Keeg, now that you saw-"

"Shut up, Jack!"

"I-" he paused and sighed. "You're not forgiving me are you."

"Give me time," I said slowly.

"How long?"

"A very, very long time..."
