Misery Business

Surprise visit from a foe.

"Well, I didn't do a thing," Kevin rolled his eyes playfully as he flicked his wrist out. "But you should totally ask Mr. Spray Paint and Mrs. Shaving Cream."

"Oh," I laughed lowly. "You are good my friend, very, very good."

"Ow," I whined as another twig caught my hair. "Stupid…trees."

"Walk faster," Brendon whined pushing me down the hill, I grumbled to myself as I walked down the hill faster.

"Don't listen to him," Jack kicked Brendon in the butt as he walked over to me, helping me. "Idiot, you need help in those clod hoppers."

“I like these shoes,” I mumbled. “Didn’t know they weren’t for hiking, though.”

“Well, now you know.”

"Yes I do," I sighed as I looked up at Jack with a frown. "Can I take them out and you give me a piggy back ride?"

"Of course," he smiled.

“Woo,” I kicked my shoes into my hands and jumped onto Jack’s back. “Comfy.”

"You better be glad you're short and skinny," he mumbled as he walked down the hill and stopped at our special camping spot that no one knew of except us. I was glad I was short and skinny too or he would have tumbled down the hill into the blue and green lake. Good think I was five foot one and a hundred and ten pounds.

“Oh, thank you,” I sighed airily as he sat me down on the ground.

"You're welcome," he laughed as he walked over to the spot the guys where putting our large tent up at, I yawned and walked to the waters edge, noticing a boy on the other side of the lake staring at me.

"Hi," I smiled and waved, I wasn't a shy kid most the time.

“Hi!” He waved back frantically.

I laughed lightly as I watched him dive into the water, I frowned slightly and turned around watching the guys fight about how to fix the tent right. "No, the other way," I mumbled pointing, Jack nodded and slapped Kevin.

"She said that way!"

"But it isn't that way idiot, its right!"

“Guys, stop fighting,” I shook my head and chuckled as someone tapped my shoulder from behind me. "Huh?" I turned slowly and screamed. "What are you doing over here!"

The guy from the other side of the lake was beside me, laughing lightly. "I swam over here," he smiled. "I'm Greg."

"Hi, Greg,” I grinned. “I’m Keegan.”

“Cute name,” He chuckled.

"Thank you," I smiled as I looked him up and down. "You look familiar, do I know you?"

"Not unless you go to Jefferson High," he said slowly. "Or you tend to watch me, stalker."

"Not a stalker," I said slowly. "Its called watching admiringly," I smirked as he grinned. "I go to Alexander Grand High."

"You're Reegan's sister," he said slowly.

"How did you know?"

"I can't stand him."

“Join the club, bud,” I patted his back, making him grin.

"You guys camp over here a lot?" he questioned as he looked over at the boys, then back to me.

"We try to every weekend because of my brother," I smiled slowly. "Its to get away from him."

"You know, the football game tonight is against my team right?" he asked slowly. "I wasn't supposed to swim but ah fuck it."

"Wouldn't it be hell to go to the game with you?" I asked slowly.

"You read my mind."

"Let me get the boys to go with me, Kevin fucked up Reegan's car and he has to hide from him," I smiled.

“Won’t this be fun,” Greg grinned.
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Image- Greg