Misery Business

There is a difference.


"Go get them," he pushed me slightly towards the boys, I laughed as I jogged over to Kevin and jumped on his back.

"Ow! Back pain!"

"We're going to the game boys, get ready."

“What?!” Kevin dropped me off his back onto the ground.

"Ow," I whined as Jack walked over to me and helped me up on my feet. "Meet Greg, he's from the other school and he hates Reegan."

"Greg?" Jack turned around and stared at Greg. "Oh I remember you."

“Good,” He nodded. “Because I don’t remember you.”

"You tackled Reegan last year, at the last game. Now I know why you hate him," Jack mumbled. "Remember Keeg?"

"Oh right," I said slowly. "I remember now... Dude! I love you!”

"Well thanks," Greg grinned as he shrugged his shoulders. "I got to get going now."

"Why don't we give you ride so you don't have to go swim again," I smiled.

“It’s cool,” He shrugged. “I like swimming.”

"You'll get tired and you have a game," I reminded him, he sighed and nodded. "See, I'm good."

"Yeah, yeah," he rolled his eyes playfully. "I live in Averdale, over there," he pointed.

“I’ll have to remember that,” I nodded slowly.

"Let's go," Greg smiled as he walked out from the locker room, he smiled over at me and put his arm over my shoulders. "How pissed will he be if he sees this?"

"Pretty pissed."

“Oh well,” Greg smirked.

I smirked as Jack rolled his eyes and turned to look at me, I smiled as he grabbed my hand and kissed it before nodding towards the bleachers, I nodded back as he and the guys walked off. "So am I walking to the sideline with you?"

"Yes you are," he nodded.

“Sweet,” I grinned, my brother looking over to me.

"Don't kick me in the nuts after this, okay?" he questioned as he leaned down and kissed my lips, I slightly gasped letting him kiss me deeper, his tongue darting in to make it more romantic.

"Jesus," I whispered when he pulled away and rubbed my bottom lip. "Little more warning next time?"

“Sorry,” he looked away, smirking, as I hit his shoulder.

"Mhm," I chuckled as he looked back and grinned. "What?"

"Warning," he said slowly.

"Warning?" it took me a minute before his lips were on mine again and he was dipping me back and holding me up, while his friends and the crowd cheered on.

"You're brother sure is getting a kick out of this."

“Oh,” I mumbled against his lips. “He is.”

"Not as much as I am," he smiled against my lips and sat me back up straight, "Now, after this we should go get something to eat."

"I can't," I whispered. "But how about Monday?"

"Sounds good," he smiled as he kissed my lips again and then ran to the field.

“Holy… Shit…” Jack’s jaw dropped.

"What?" I walked up to him and sat down beside him with a smile on his face; he turned to me then looked at the field and then back.

"You just made out with someone you don't know!"

"So?" I questioned. "I do know, his name is Greg and he plays football."

“You whore,” Brendon chimed in.

“I’m sorry,” I scoffed. “I may be a whore, but at least I’m not a slut.”
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