Misery Business

I'm walking on sunshine, whoa!

"She has a point," Kevin nodded towards Brendon. "She's not sleeping with them."

"If she did, I'd kick her ass and then kill, Greg," Jack mumbled.

"Whoa, little green monster on you're back buddy?" Brendon slapped Jack's back.

“Maybe,” he mumbled, leaning back.

I looked at Brendon who grinned brightly and then looked at Kevin who bit his lip, I sighed heavily and returned to staring at the field, where my brother was putting a helmet on, his gaze fixated on me.

“Dude,” Jack chuckled. “He’s gonna kill you.”

"Maybe so," I stared unafraid into his eyes, they never did scare me. "But he deserves it, the humiliation, the embarrassment."

"Yeah," Jack mumbled.

"I don't know anymore," I laughed hysterically as Jack continued to play his guitar around the bonfire while we all sang around him, Kevin was nearly asleep and Brendon was already. I was the only one up besides Jack that wasn't near sleepy land. "Let's go sleep Jack."

"Alright help me get the slackers in bed," he sat his guitar in his case and sat it in the tent before walking back, helping Kevin up as I helped Brendon. "Come on guys."

"Heavy ass, lose some weight," I grunted as I sat him next to Kevin on their small bed that they made while Jack and I collapsed on the other side of the tent where a divider was, we usually used it to make shadow puppets. "I'm not sleepy Jack."

"Why did you kiss him back?" Jack asked suddenly.

“I dunno,” I shrugged. “He’s cute.”

"So you just kiss every cute guy you see now, Keegan?" he questioned with a frown on his face, I sighed and shrugged.


"I'm cute…"


"Why'd you kiss him, really?"

"I don't know Jack," I sighed as I turned over and stared at him, "I just did, it felt nice. I don't know why."

"Would you do it again?"

“Well,” I thought for a moment. “Yeah.”

Jack stared at me for the longest time before grabbing the sides of my head and planting a big, long kiss on my lips. Then he turned around and went to sleep like nothing happened, while I stared at the back of his head in shock, I reached up and touched my lips while my mind raced at the speed of light.

"Damn," I groaned as I turned around on the pallet. "Stupid, dirt floor."

“Stop moving,” Brendon whined and slapped my thigh.

"Owwwah!" I drug it out as I grabbed my thigh and rubbed it to make the sting go away, "You idiot, I hope something bites you on the ass."

"Yeah righ—Ahhh!"

"You're welcome," Kevin shouted.

“Dude, did you just bite Brendon’s ass?”

"Yeah, but he has shorts on," Kevin I could tell was nodding his head frantically. "So you're very much welcome."

"Well you're very much thanked," I laughed lightly as I laid on my back with my head propped on my arms. “Wow, I’m bored.”

“Truth or dare?” Jack suggested.

"Only you babe," I shook my head laughing. "We're still in bed and yet you can find out the weirdest games to play."

"Yes or no."

"Yes," I shrugged.

“Sweet,” He grinned. “So truth or dare?”
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