He's a Homewrecker With a Heart of Gold

Love and marriage

When I woke up the next morning Patrick still had his arm snaked around me. I smiled and rubbed his arm, his grip tightened and he kissed my cheek.

"Morning sunshine."

"Morning Patrick."

I sat up and turned to look at him and he rolled on his back. As he was stretching I couldn't help but poke him; he grabbed my hand and pulled me down. I looked into his eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. He pulled me into a kiss and it deepened with time. I eventually pulled away.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

Than we got into a little playful fight about who loved whom more. After a while we got bored and I went and grabbed some clothes.

"You can shower in here I'll go downstairs."

I than threw some clothes at him, I also threw a hat which hit him in the face. And before he could throw it back I ran out of the room. When I walked back into the room I expected to find Patrick to run and tackle me but little did I know I'd find him and Pete in our bed. Pete was lying there and Patrick looked at me with the funniest, cutest look on his face. I laughed at what was in front of me.

"Please not in the bed that I sleep in."

I than grabbed my brush and went through my long hair. Patrick took off his hat and stole my brush, Pete than did it to him. I put on a random sweater and zipped it up, I looked in the mirror to fix it and I noticed it was a Fall Out Boy one.

“Man why'd I have to pick this sweater I hate this band."

Pete catching on to my joke said. "Yeah me too and that bassist thinks he's so hot."

Patrick was enjoying this and started laughing at us. We than walked downstairs when we got to the bottom Patrick looked at me and said.

"Would you like to go for a walk?"

I nodded both of us put on our shoes and headed out the door, we held hands in silence and didn't know where our feet were going to take us. We ended up in the park, where I sat on a swing. Patrick sat down next to me; I looked over and noticed he wanted to say something but couldnt seem to find the right words.

“What is it Patrick?"

He let out a sigh and searched his pockets.

"Sara we've been going out for a while now and I was wondering if you thought about marrying me...I know I thought about marrying you everyday."

I gasped; I was lost for words. He was asking to marry me, I didn't know what to do. He than looked away.

"I knew you didn't."

"Patrick that's not what my silence meant, I'm just a little surprised that's all."

He looked back at me and smiled, he opened the box in his hands and showed me the ring inside.

"So will you do me the honour?"

"Of course I will."

I stood up and walked over to him and sat on his lap causing us to fly out of the swing. We laid there on the grass laughing; he slid the ring on my finger and kissed me. This moment in time was the most perfect moment in my life