For a Pessimist I'm Pretty Optomistic

Chapter One

The city that never sleeps.

Except.. There was one girl, asleep, alone, cold and afraid, sleeping. Sleeping; a nightmare washing over her like a shadow.
"Leave me alone.. Leave.. me.. alone.." Whispery words escaped her mouth and traveled with the wind a few paces away. Not that anyone would ever hear. Could ever hear.

She was running through a dark tunnel. Light escaped from the penetrating hole at the end of it. Voices sounded in her ears, in her head, and all around her. "Run faster!" They screeched moaned and warned. She wasn't afraid. She wasn't. She wasn't. The voices got louder, shreaking and screaming in her ears. "Leave. Me. ALONE!" She screamed, dropping to the floor and covering her face and ears with her hands. Suddenly she was in complete darkness. And then..


She looked up hesitantly, her eyes searching the darkness, seeing nothing. Another voice sounded right next to her. "You left us. We will never leave you. Never." They breathed. A shiver spiraled up the girls back, and her hair seemed to stand on end.

Then the moaning began again. The screaming came next. The pain in their voice was so real, so clear.

"I didn't! I DIDN'T!" The girls please for them to stop didn't work. The cooing and shrieking of the voices screamed in her ears louder than before.

"You left us for dead. Killed us. Were gone now. But we'll always be with you. Always!" She covered her ears, placing her head in her lap. Tears streamed down her cheeks and landed on the cold dirt below.

"Kira.. KIRA! You will never belong! NEVER. Come back to us! Leave them behind!!" A voice screamed in her ear.

"DONT. CALL ME THAT!" Her voice ripped through the others, cutting them off, leaving them silent. "I never meant to killed you! I swear!"

"You are the only thing that keeps us here. With you. Forever. You are the sign of death. The remnants of death. You kill to keep us alive. Killed us all." The screaming of pain began again. Everything, all around her lit up. She squinted her eyes, seeing shapes but not able to make out anything. Then she smelt it. Tangy, and salty. Her eyes watered, and she sobbed loudly.

It was the smell of blood.

Though her eyes were full of tears she could still make out a few hazy features. For one, her tears dripping onto the dusty floor. But as she stared harder, she realized that the tears weren't clear, but a vivid red color. She was crying tears of blood. "Get away from me!" She screamed again. The screaming got louder.

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An early morning mist covered the earth like a tight blanket, swamping the Union Park's air. The park was secluded, especially at five o'clock in the morning. No one saw the girl laying on a bench, a light sweat lay spread across her forehead. Dreaming. Sleeping. And having a nightmare.
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Chapter One.. Yay! This story is dedicated to my friendy Mandy! Haha. I know how you love Seattle so yea.