Hey Miss *** You Love Like Winter

Endlessly, she said

Davey sat in the trenches holding the picture of us, he thought of me everyday, faced battle for me everyday, and lived to see another day because I was on his mind. Today was different, the general told him to stay inside today since his mind was so distracted. He looked at Jade who smiled at him.

"You know what she said Jade?"

Jade shook his head no.

"I will wait for you, she said, endlessly and I told her I would see her soon, I meant every word, every one," he then thought back to that day.

As I lie on top of her we held back our tears.

"I will fly straight through, as I wait for you...Dear...Endless...ly."

I hugged her ever so closely, but soon I was torn from her arms to face the horrid war.

"I know you didn't want to leave her...You will return to her. I mean I know how you feel since I met that girl."

Ah yes, Jade had met a wonderful girl through me, it all happened one day when I went visiting her and Jade came to look for me because my husband wanted something.
I on the other hand would watch the north to see if he would be coming home, each night I would be disappointed in not seeing him. Today would be different. I looked at my stomach which had grown slightly in the past month.

"Miss Murder."

Said one of the guys on the street.

"Do you think he'll come back. He left us all behind."

"Of course he will, I have hope in him."

He walked away without saying another word I walked back in doors. I heard a commotion and a few shots, I was confused until I seen a bunch of guys run through the palace doors.
The lead guy looked at me and smirked. I was frozen in place, I thought the worst of Davey in that moment.

"There she is."

As soon as I found the strength to move I was being dragged outside. I put up a fight by kicking and screaming, but soon I knew that wouldn't help and I gave up.
Meanwhile Davey had returned to quietness, he entered his home.

"Niki, I returned to you only to find an empty home. Where did you go?"

He turned his radio on and something inside of him told him to stay, he sang along with a sad song. Than the power went out.

"The power went out. I turned on the radio. I heard a voice."

Indeed he did, the voice was my own, and I had escaped and was on my way back to Davey. He arose from the floor and ran to me, he held me in his arms as we walked over to the balcony. You, in somber resplendence, I hold)

He smiled as he said, "I'm back like I promised, and you stayed like you promised."

I went on than spoke to Davey.

"I have been waiting for you, biting as you taught me to."

He hugged me closer still and kissed me with so much life and love. He than had the same wide eyed look on his face as I did. As a rapturous voice escapes, I will tremble a prayer
And I'll beg for forgiveness.

"Davey why do I feel so cold?"

We looked down at my stomach and I was bleeding, he looked to the ground and seen the shooter who was stabbed with a sword. Davey turned back at me and picked me up bridal style. Before I died he kissed me once more; this time our people watched as their leader was saddened at the thought and as he cried out in pain to see me dead.

"Oh my dearest lover please forgive me for I did not mean to leave you...Niki please come back to me."

He than fell to his knees and placed my dead body on the ground softly, I may have been dead but he still treated me like a living being like I wasn't dead.

"Niki, no, I lo..."

He was cut off short by being stabbed in the heart. He fell limp on my body and we looked like Romeo and Juliet. The man who did this was taken to the dungeons by Jade and Adam and the people would mourn fo their King and Queen for years. Since Jade was his second in command he would be King. We were buired in a tomb together and on the doors it said:

"They were perfect, they were beautiful. The met in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of nothing, and kissed where everyone could see. No words. No before. No after. They kissed and it was perfect. It was beautiful. It was everything. It was nothing."

Every single notion burned indelibly. Every motion leaving scars behind. All sincere emotion received skeptically with no preparation for life eternal. Every tear that's fallen brings one thousand floods. Paper cuts are leaving blood behind. All the silent laughter ringing piercingly. I blink making my eyes mine. Words in their worthlessness, they should be weighted down, but do I truly wish their cessation? These endless nights seemed less endless with you