Lie In The Grass, Next To The Mausoleum

Lie In The Grass; Next To The Mausoleum- Thirteen

When I look back on the next few months of my life, I'll remember them as my happiest.

Peter and I were together, school was easy, and I never saw my father. Siobhan and Casey were practically inseparable, although it seemed like they were always bickering about something.

One Friday night in May, Siobhan and I were inour her room, getting ready for a party. I was never much of a party person, but Pete had begged me to come with him, as it was sort of a goodbye to the senior soccer players. Siobhan had agreed to go only after I had caved, on the grounds that we could just hang out with each other if it was too crazy.

"Evie, you know how I walked in on you and Pete... You know... The other day?"
I blushed, remembering the incident all too well.


"Well, I just started thinking, Casey and I had sex the first time we were dating, but we haven't yet this time. Why is that, do you think?" Siobhan asked, grabbing her purse and car keys as we walked out the front door.
I shrugged.

"Maybe he doesn't want to fuck things up. Maybe he thinks that having sex will make things turn out like they did last time."

"But Evie," Siobhan said, suddenly desperate. "What if there's someone else?"

"Siobhan." I said sternly. "There is no one else. Casey would not cheat on you. I promise you."

Siobhan looked a little comforted as we parked in front of Garth McCoy's house, but she still wrung her hands nervously.

"Well that's easy for you to say, because you've got Pete, who would sooner die then cheat on you-"

"Siobhan!" I said loudly, interrupting her tirade. "He is not cheating on you. He's just being a gentleman."

"I hope you're right." She replied gravely.

Two hours later, I wanted to go home. Siobhan was miserable too; she kept shooting me grumpy looks as the drunken Casey tried to kiss her sloppily.
Finally, I'd had enough. I stood up abruptly, pushing some jock's arm from around my shoulders and setting my soda down. I needed to find Pete.
He'd disappeared about fifteen minutes before, mumbling something about the bathroom.
I'd seen Peter drunk before, but never like this. He was walking into walls, and laughing at everything I said, which worried me a little, since I hadn't said anything remotely funny.
When I had offered to accompany him to the bathroom, he had said "No!" quickly, and made an effort to walk a little straighter.

"Peter?" I called, poking my head in a bedroom door. No luck.

"Pete? Where are you?" I made a face as I heard some incredibly sexual noises coming from the back bedroom.

Note to self: Avoid back bedroom.

"Uhhhhhh, that's it! Right there! I'm.... I'm..." The girl screamed, and I was just about to run away with my fingers in my ears when something caught my attention.
The guy was breathing raggedly, and suddenly, I heard it.

"Mmmmmm, Eve..."
I stopped dead. A cannonball had dropped into my stomach, and I knew who's voice that was.
Without even knowing what I was doing, my legs carried me forward toward the door. I pushed it open, dreading but knowing what I would find.

Pete. On top of some slut. Saying my name.

"Peter." I said softly, and he turned around sharply.

"Oh my god- I... Evie!" He pulled out and fell off of the bed, and the girl pulled the sheets up over her naked body. I smiled softly at her, surprised at my calmness.

"I'm going to leave now Peter." I said emotionlessly, turning around and walking out the door.

"Wait, Evangeline!" I felt Pete's fingers close around my arm, and I jerked it out of his grasp.

"Please do not touch me." I said, my voice dangerously low.

"Eve, please..." Pete pleaded, his eyes swimming. I turned around without a word and kept walking down the hall, and I heard him run after me. He grabbed my shoulder, trying to stop me.
I turned around and stared at him, deep, genuine hate bubbling up inside me.

"I said, don't touch me." I said softly.
It turned and continued down the hall, and I could see Siobhan looking at me curiously from her spot on the stool in the kitchen.

"Evie, please!" Pete shouted, his voice cracking. The second I felt his fingers close around my forearm, and I just snapped. I mustered all of my force, whipped around, and slapped him across the face.
The resounding crack seemed to echo on forever.
Pete's hand flew to his face, and his mouth fell open in shock and pain. Siobhan's hand was clapped over her mouth, and I sensed everyone getting quiet around us.

"I guess I was wrong when I thought I could keep you honest Peter." I whispered, and without looking back, I walked out the front door, slamming it behind me.

It was a long walk to Siobhan's.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I know that was depressing, but it's how I was always planning the story.
There will be one more chapter.
Feedback is greatly appreciated.