

There I was sitting in my room crying my heart out with a blade in hand. It wasn’t my first time, but this time it was because of so much more.

I had argued with my mom so many times before but never really like this. It was 2 days before my b-day and I wanted to go hang out with my friends. Normally my mom would let me go but I asked her during one of her episodes and wouldn’t let me go. I was so mad that I started crying and then I just walked away up to my room. That’s when I noticed the box, the box was where IT was, the razor blade, It never stuck out like it did just then.
I took it and wasn’t going to, UNTIL I heard my sister pulls out of the driveway and left I freaked out and I was pissed. I took it and pushed it to my skin, it was deeper the normal but I didn’t care if released all the pain.
I just sat there letting it bleed out I felt so alive. Even if I was really killing myself.
When I cut I wasn’t myself, like I was watching a young girl with so many wroung things in her life.
I just let it bleed, thinking of when and how I would live my last day on this hellhole someone called Earth.
And the I was thinking of what made me start, what made me make my first scar.